8- Ultimatum & Baba

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Arnika was sitting on the floor with crossed legs in a corner. Her father had of course asked her to go to the corner. He never specified whether or not she needs to stand. She would have not even faced the wall if she wasn't skeptical of his big scary eyes.

Arjun was glaring at his daughter though it was clearly getting wasted as she could not see him. When she entered the study, she had a damn rebellious look on her face and absolutely no remorse in her eyes. He won't ever admit it but the look on her face made him nervous. So he sent her to the corner hoping that she would wipe that look off her face and not scare him.

He had never seen this side of hers ever before. In his mind, he had always portrayed her as Roshni's exact replica. Beside her facial features, he had assumed that she would mirror her mother when it comes to her nature and behaviour. But he had realised with a start that she was more like him in those regards.

Though a small part of him knew that his assumptions were wrong. The girl had enough of him. Even as a 1 year old, she had exhibited quite fiery outbursts, so much unlike her mother and just like him. He found himself smiling at those memories. Roshni had been absolutely terrified of those tantrums while he enjoyed them as a silent spectator upto a point where he had to intervene.

His smile dimmed as he realised that his own anger and impulsiveness was the reason that he lost her. His childhood friend had so openly accused him of being his wife's murderer for that very reason while his best friend had predicted just last night that his anger would distance him for his daughter. He closed his eyes as the memory of last night played infront of his eyes.


Arjun was about to leave the Goinka Mansion when he decided to pay Kabir a visit. Against his better judgement, he needed to atleast show his gratitude to his friend for taking care of his daughter when he himself had failed her, be it last night or last 6 years.

As he entered his study, he found himself furiously turning the pages of a file.

Arjun- "Kabir?"

Kabir looked up from his file and took off his reading glasses. He gave him a cold, uninterested look. Arjun sighed.

Arjun- "Thanks. Arnika ka khayal rakhne ke liye. I'll be picking her up in the morning. And yes, sorry for incon--" but he was cut off.

Kabir in a chilling calm voice- "Do not. Do not complete that sentence, Arjun. She might be, as you so kindly put it, inconvenience for you but believe me she is my own daughter for me."

Arjun defensively- "Don't take me in a wrong way..."

Kabir again cutting him off- "I have been taking you in a wrong way since past 6 years, Arjun. I thought that maybe you need some time to get over Roshni's death. Maybe you'll leave your preposterous desire for revenge and maybe you'll start caring for the girl you call your daughter but...I was wrong. I have taken you in a wrong way!"

Arjun felt his tongue tied. He could not defend himself today. Not after what he had done. His conscience was screaming guilty while his brain was busy reasoning by the virtue of his past trauma.

Kabir calmly- "Just answer my one question, Arjun. Do you even love her?"

Arjun looked at him blankly. That was a question that his mind never let him ponder upon. If Kabir would have asked him the question yesterday evening, he would have plainly said NO. But not today. Not after the entire day he had spent feeling guilty over his behaviour. Not after the entire evening he had spent searching for her like a mad person. Not after the feeling of losing her.

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