Chapter 6 - Musical Memory

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Sorry for not uploading, school is keeping me busy. I was able to post the first five chapters because I was sitting home and sick.

The most updates will come on the weekends, since I'm not that busy then.


Walking down the stairs to Musical Memory I noticed the way blocked with a broken metal door and a hole in the wall to the right of me.

I decided to step through the hole. It led me into a hallway, which also had a hole at the end, but instead of it being on the wall, it was in the ground.

Jumping in, I was met with a tunnel dug into the ground, and it was dark. I had to walk with my actual hands in front of me just so I don't walk into anything.

Eventually I reached the end of the tunnel without anything happening to me. I climbed out into another part of the factory. There was yet another giant machine in front of me, kinda like the Make-a-Friend machine.

Seeing one of four buttons in front of the machine flashing red, I walked over and pressed it. Some white balls in a container were melted into liquid.

After another button started flashing, I noticed a green VHS tape next to the buttons.

Taking it, I looked around and found a green VCR player that I can use to play this tape. 

Putting the tape in, multiple slides played on how the green hand should and could be used. It seems to be able to hold electricity for 10 seconds. It also showed how dangerous the misuse of the hand could be, which kind of weirded me out, but that shouldn't be a surprise since I'm in a factory filled with killer toys.

Going back to the button, I pressed it. The white liquid then started flowing out of a tube that had a part of it hanging to the side. 

With my Grabpack I fixed it, and then I pressed the button again, continuing the process.

The white liquid once again flowed into another container, prompting the next button to start flashing.

Pressing the button, several right hands were formed from the liquid, that then got placed onto a conveyor belt under the container.

The conveyor belt then took the hands into a glass box that had some weird machinery in it, which must paint the hands green, since the next button has a drop on it. 

Pressing the button didn't do anything. Was it broken? Did it run out?

After my last question, a row of lights lit up, showing me a path to some stairs behind the big machine. Walking up them, I was met with another conveyor belt that had a paint bucket on it.

I took it, and then inserted it into the big machine that had a hole in it, presumably for the bucket.

Now, with the machine filled, I walked back to the buttons, pressing the final one without any inconvenience. 

All of the hands have been colored green. After the hands came out of the glass box on the conveyor belt, I was able to collect one of them, restoring the right hand of my Grabpack.

I felt like I achieved something, giving me a boost of confidence. Looking around for an exit, I noticed a similar bulb on the wall that I have been using in the Power Rooms to restore power to stuff, but this one was glowing green.

Shooting at it with my right hand, it took the electricity. Turning to my left, I saw another green bulb, but this one wasn't glowing.

'I wonder if that's where I have to put the electricity..' I tried my luck with shooting at it.

I was successful, the vent door under it opened up, allowing me to continue. This vent wasn't as long as the other ones, as it led me into a corridor. 

Walking down it, I could clearly see that I was just on the other side of the broken metal door that I saw earlier.

'Now isn't that convenient!' I also noticed a bunny cardboard cutout that also had a button. I pressed it.

- I know when your birthday is~! June 28th *chuckles*

- Make a wish.

- Happy birthday!

- Oh~ happy birthday. Oh~ happy happy birthday. Oh~ happy birthday, happy birthday to you- *static*

At the end of the last audio it cut out into static again. I was expecting it, so I didn't get scared this time.

To my right was a giant room that had a platform in the middle and a bridge leading onto it.

Once I got to the middle, an informal video started playing on TVs all around me. 

In short, I have to push the buttons in the same order the TV tells me for a few rounds, and it gets harder every round. The bunny above me will slowly lower down, if he reaches me, the test is over. If I fail one, the bunny above me, called Bunzo Bunny, starts coming down at me faster. If I successfully press the correct buttons, Bunzo goes back up to his starting point.

The video cut off, and I heard a bang on the windows up on the walls.

"Oh, isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen this place up and running in years!" Mommy sounded genuinely happy. "Mommy can only imagine how excited Bunzo must be. It's been such a long time since he's been able to play. To cheer. To eat."

After her last sentence, I heard loud bangs above me, almost scaring me to death. Mommy giggled... wait, that giggle sounds kinda familiar..

"Oh! That's the dinner bell! Good luck, sweetie." Mommy backed up into the shadowy room concealed behind the window in the wall. I didn't even notice what she called me.

After Mommy disappeared, the screen lit up in red and the four buttons in front of me gained the colors of red, blue, yellow and green.

The same button pressing went on for another minute or two before new colors and symbols were added into the game, for example white, orange, heart and pi, making it difficult to remember everything correctly.

Once I messed up twice and I heard a gasp from somewhere, though I didn't have time to think about what could've made it.

Eventually, there were so many symbols that appeared that it went all around me in two rows, and Bunzo was getting really close to me.

To my luck, a particular button with an exclamation mark appeared and started going in circles. After successfully pressing it after the fifth try, every single button went back to their place, and the large TV screen in front of me shut off.

'I guess that was a stop button.' I thought to myself before hearing a sigh of relief.

"Oh. It broke. Now that's no fun..." She somehow sounds... relieved? Relieved after she threatened to kill me and almost made me get killed? Doubt it. "For doing such a splendid job, Mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train. Look up." A long, pink hand came down from where Bunzo was trying to attack me from, holding the first part of three of the train code. "Take it."

"Why do you have to do this?! Can't we just let this all slide and live our lives?!"

Mommy didn't give a verbal answer, only shaking her head. "Mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer. It's ok though. Mommy knows other ways to play with you."

The big spider left me to go to the next game.

I tried crossing the bridge that I came over here from, but it just broke under me, making me fall to the bottom, and I accidentally hit my head, making me pass out.


Words: 1262

Mommy Long Legs X M!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz