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Julius and Taylor make their way to the bonfire, finding a spot on some logs to chat.

Taylor: So, what's going on?

Julius: Just felt like chilling out with you.

Taylor: Just chilling, huh? You sure that's it?

Julius: Actually, I'm into you.

Taylor: Oh, you're into me?

Julius "with a smile": Yeah.

Taylor: Your smile's something else.

Julius: And you're something else entirely.

Taylor: How about we find somewhere more private?

Julius: Definitely, but let's grab a shot first.

Taylor: I'm down with that.

After taking a shot, they head into the house, where Taylor takes Julius by the hand and leads him upstairs to a room that's been beautifully done up.

Julius: Wow, you've got it all set up in here, huh?

Taylor: Yeah, this is just my usual vibe. Have a seat, okay?

Julius: Cool, just gotta shoot a quick message to my friend.

Taylor: Sure thing, be right back.

While Taylor heads to her bathroom, Julius takes a moment to text Nathan from her bed.

Julius: Yo, heads up, I'm in Taylor's room.

Nathan: In her room? What's going on up there?

Julius: We're just hanging out alone, no worries.

Nathan: Okay, dude, just play it safe.

Julius: Got it.

Taylor emerges from the bathroom, a vision in pink Victoria's Secret, the scent of roses in the air.

Julius, taken aback: Damn, girl, get over here.

Taylor, with a confident smirk: Thought you'd never ask.

Julius casually takes off his shirt, effortlessly lifts Taylor off her feet, and gently places her on the bed. They lean in for a passionate kiss. Meanwhile, at the bonfire, Nathan unexpectedly runs into his old pal Dallas from school.

Dallas: Yo, what's good, man?

Nathan: Aye, long time no see!

Dallas: Yeah, man, I've been all over the city, checking out colleges and just living life. What about you?

Nathan: Ain't nothin' too crazy, bro. Me and the fam just moved into a new crib. I'll start checkin' out colleges in a couple weeks, but right now, I'm just tryna soak up the summer vibes, you know?

Dallas: Haha, I feel you, man. Gotta make the most of it!

Nathan "chuckles": Right.

Dallas: Hey, you catch a glimpse of that blonde hanging with the trio by the bar?

Nathan: Nah, man, I've been posted up. Who is she?

Dallas: That's Taylor, my girl.

Nathan, feeling the pressure: Taylor?

Dallas: Yeah, I'm gonna check her room.

Thinking quickly, Nathan tries to buy some time for Julius.

Nathan: Actually, I think I saw her head out front to talk to her folks on the phone.

Dallas: For real? Cool, thanks, dude.

Nathan: Yeah, no sweat.

Nathan quickly pulls out his phone to call Julius, but he doesn't pick up. He starts sending multiple texts, still no response. At that point, Nathan rushes inside and races up the stairs, checking every room and calling out for Julius. Finally, he finds the room, but it's locked. He knocks on the door, but there's no answer.

Nathan: *knock knock* Julius! *Knock knock* Man, you gotta get out of there now!

Neither Julius nor Taylor are responding. Soon after, Dallas walks up the stairs, looking confused.

Dallas: Hey, man, I didn't see her. Are you sure she went out there?

Nathan, stuttering: Uh, I thought I did.

Dallas: Why are you up here? Is someone in there?

Nathan: No, I was just looking for the bathroom.

Dallas: Yeah, right.

Dallas shoves Nathan aside and tries to open the door, realizing it's locked. He pounds on it furiously, shouting for Taylor, and then presses his ear against it. Hearing her moans, he flies into a rage, yelling, "Who's in there with you, Taylor? Open the door right now fucking !

Dallas: I swear, whoever's in there with you is gonna fuck you up !

Nathan: Aye, Calm down, man.

Dallas: Don't you dare tell me to calm down! My girl's getting busy in there!

Blinded by pure rage, Dallas throws a powerful punch, creating a hole in the door. On the other side, Julius and Taylor jump up, scrambling to throw on their clothes. Dallas reaches down, unlocks the door, and swings it open to reveal Julius and Taylor, barely dressed.

Dallas: Seriously, Julius? You're messing with my girl?

Julius: Hold up! What? I had no idea she had a man.

Taylor: He's lying! I told him, but he pressured me!

Julius: What? No way, I didn't do that! She's lying.

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