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"She's so fake!" Janis exclaimed. "She's totally leading you on."
The three of them plus Cady were all hanging out in Janis' garage the next day. The others crowded around as Phoebe recounted her experience in detention the night prior.
"Maybe she wasn't? She actually seems nicer than you guys said she was." Cady said, remembering Phoebes page in the burn book.
"No, Regina is not nice," Janis said as she turned her hand into a fist, crumbling the chip she was holding, "she is literally evil. That's how she draws you in, by being nice, and then she ruins you! Be careful Phoebe."
"I am. Did Regina say anything about me at lunch yesterday? She was really pissed we got detention."
"Ummm no... not that I remember." Cady replied. Truth be told, she was too busy daydreaming about Aaron that lunch and had zoned out of the conversation the Plastics were having.
"Did she really not say anything? That's even worse than if she did."
"Nope..." Cady trailed off.


On Monday, Phoebe had PE with Regina yet again. Luckily they weren't playing another game of soccer; Coach Carr didn't want another incident to occur between the two girls, and they needed to learn to work together. Instead, they had gone back to their partner drills. Regina smiled at Phoebe as they began to practice, which gave Phoebe an unsettled feeling. It was so strange how Regina had been acting since Friday. Phoebe smiled back and got on with kicking the ball to Regina, who then kicked it back. As she went to kick it back, Phoebe lost her balance and her feet came up from under her, making her fall backwards on her butt. Regina burst out laughing. Phoebe scowled, which made Regina laugh harder.

"Are you okay?" Regina asked between fits of laughter, offering her hand to Phoebe, who took it hesitantly. Regina pulled her up.
"Since when did you care?"
Regina's face quickly turned sour as she stopped laughing. "I don't. I was just being polite because that looked like it hurt." She said defensively.
"Okay" Back to square one, Phoebe thought.

The rest of the class, the two girls stayed silent, kicking the ball back and forth.


At detention that afternoon, the girls' silent spell continued until Phoebe suddenly exclaimed: "Fuck!" Her brother had yet again cancelled on driving her home.
"Language, Ms Samuels!" The teacher berated.
"Sorry," Phoebe said feverishly.

"What happened?" Regina asked, shocked by the sudden outburst next to her.
"Nothing, just my brother flaked on me again so I have no way of getting home besides walking and I definitely have the wrong shoes to walk that far in." She complained, motioning down to her shoes
Frankly, after their little spat earlier that day, Regina didn't want to offer to drive her, but she felt sorry for the girl and did what was right. She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I can drive you if you want?"
"No that's okay, I don't want to be a burden." Phoebe said, slightly passive aggressively.
"No really, I insist. I feel bad and it's on my way home anyways."
"Okay, thanks."


Finally, detention finished and Phoebe collected her things, following Regina to her Jeep. Phoebe climbed into the passenger side, accidentally closing the door hard.
"Careful! This car's expensive! And I'm sure you couldn't pay to fix it."

Phoebe scoffed, okay, rude! She stayed silent, not wishing to start a fight with Regina while she was in her car. She didn't know what Regina would pull, and Phoebe's life was literally in her hands as she had control over the car. As Regina started the car up, a Fiona Apple song came on. Phoebe noticed this and raised her eyebrow.

"I thought you didn't like Fiona Apple?" She questioned, suspicious of the blonde.
"I don't," Regina replied, reaching over to the console and skipping the song, "My mom put those songs on our shared playlist that I had shuffled. I usually just skip them."
"Okay..." Phoebe trailed off. The song that came on next was Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers. Phoebe laughed.
Regina, noticing Phoebe laugh, snapped: "What?"
"Nothing, you just have the music taste of a lesbian." Phoebe said giggling.

Regina shot her a glare. "And what makes someone have 'lesbian' music taste?"
"Well, I listen to this stuff and EVERY gay girl I know also does."
"Okay well who cares, I'm not a lesbian!" Regina snapped defensively.
"Never said you were, just you have lesbian taste. Which isn't a bad thing!" Phoebe said, raising her hands in defence.

After some silence with Moon Song in the background, Regina spoke again.
"Why would it matter if I was lesbian anyway?"
"It wouldn't. If anything, I think I'd like you even more than I already do..." Phoebe spilled.
"You like me?" Regina smirked.
"Uh, not like that." Phoebe tried to backtrack. Regina snickered.

Just like that, they had pulled up to Phoebe's house. Saved by the bell, Phoebe thought, glad to not have to continue that conversation. "Well, thanks for the ride!" Phoebe said, unbuckling.
"That's okay! Oh, and Phoebe..." Regina trailed off, staring at Phoebe, then looking down at her lips.
"Umm just say hi to your brother from me." She said sheepishly.
"Okay, will do." Then, she opened her door and hopped out, shutting it behind her and turning to walk up her driveway, not before saying bye.
"Bye!" Regina responded, smiling at Phoebe

That was weird, Phoebe thought. Regina, now out of view from Phoebe, reprimanded herself. "God, Regina, why did you say that? You chicken! Uhhh say hi to your brother from me.." She mocked herself in a high pitched voice. She then tightly gripped the steering wheel before driving off.

(A/N - how are you guys liking this so far? Finally, some drama hahaha. Thanks so much for all the reads, hope you're enjoying it. Also this might be the last chapter I put out until Wednesday because I have work sorryyyy)

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