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Saraii Jensen—————————————————————————

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Saraii Jensen

" No she don't gotta man, my friend is single and ready to mingle yall " Carina said to her live making me look at the camera and laugh

She's my new friend that Rae introduced me too. I guess Rae has known her for a while and is planning on asking her to be her girlfriend soon so she wanted us to meet each other. Even though we just met she's really cool and I can tell we're gonna be good friends.

" Someone said they want us to play some music" I said after reading one of the comments

" I got yall right now" I watched her get up and connect her phone to one of the speakers that Rae owned

Rich baby daddy by Drake and Sza started playing and we both got up and started doing the dance to it

" I know you got a guy, he's not a guy to me, just say goodbye to him, then take the ride to me, ride to meee " I sang vibing w the song pretending I had a mic

I stopped for a minute looking at the screen reading the comments

User368: She can singg 😍😍
User785: Yess girlll slayyy
KyreeDa2ndIrving: Yo man said hi

" Thank you, what man Kyree?" I mugged the screen confused but brushed it off

Carina came over grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the screen a lil when the best part of the song was about to come on.

" bend that ass over, let that coochie breathe ayee shake that ass bitch, hands on ya knees, hands on ya knees " We shook our ass in the camera laughing

Bronxbby38: Dammmm
Btchslov3Koby: dgmh🤣🤣🤣
KyreeDa2ndIrving: oop 😬🫣
User338: You getting caught up 😭😭

" wheew i'm tired yall " Carina said sitting infront of the camera " Oh shit girl Koby in here"

I joined the live on my phone rolling my eyes at their comments and not saying anything

I looked up when I heard the door open seeing Rae, Kyree, and Koby walk in

I stayed silent until Koby sat next to me " Mtch "

" Come with me real quick " He whispered over to me before standing up, stretching his arms out wide, and walking out the room

I hesitated for a couple of seconds before finally getting the courage to get up and walk out the room to follow him

I walked down the bottoms of the stairs, feeling myself get pushed against the wall and a hand wrap around my neck

" what- fuck you gotta attitude fo? " He cut me off asking

" can you leave me alone? " I asked not making eye contact

he grabbed my chin making me look at him and I watched as his face softened and he finally let go

I huffed before finally speaking with my chest about how I felt " I feel like we shouldn't hang around each other anymore. Clearly you can't decide if you wanna be friends with me or not and it's really bothering me how one day you act like we're close friends and like you can't stand being away from me and then the next day your acting like you don't know me and treat me like shit. It's confusing as fuck and to be honest it hurts my feelings that you cant just treat me how you treat everyone else... "

I stood there staring back at him seeing him just looking at me with this unreadable expression on his face

I looked away spotting Kyree, Rae, and Carina all peaking through the bedroom door, listening to the conversation

I didn't blame them for listening since I did begin to raise my voice a little

Realizing that he wasn't going to respond I smacked my teeth walking away into the room, with the rest of them staring at me in silence as I grabbed my stuff and left the house and made my way home


I woke up from my nap hearing my phone buzzing, i looked at it seeing it was Carina

" Hello? " I spoke with the phone to my ears

" Hey girl, are you okay?" She asked sounding worried

" Yeah i'm fine just woke up from a nap "

" okay good. I wanted to let you know before anyone else since I know they prolly gon try to force you to come but we planned a small group vacation next week and were wondering if you wanted to go. "

" You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable because I know that you and Koby just got into it and aren't cool anymore" I heard her say after she took a pause

" i'll go " I said keeping it short

" Foreal?! Ok, cool imma let Rae know right now. Oh! By the way it's a road trip " She spoke really fast letting me know she was doing something

" Okay. I'm gonna let you go since I can tell your busy " I said hanging up not waiting for a response

I know the possibility of me and Koby speaking to each other during the whole trip is low, so i'm will to go on the trip with them and take that chance.

3rd person pov

Jahkoby on the other hand was sitting on his bed thinking about the conversation him and Saraii had

He had smoked 3 blunts already thinking that it would help get it off his mind but it didn't.

His ultimate decision was to give Saraii her space for a while and soon apologize even if she didn't accept or believe it and he realized that the vacation that him and his friends had planned gave him the perfect opportunity to do so.

The truth was that he didn't understand why he treated her that way himself. He had feelings for the girl which he didn't want to let himself accept. He enjoyed her company and found himself thinking about her at every inconvenience, even if it was while he was brushing his teeth or playing a video game with his homeboys. He on some days he let the feelings he had influence him and would spend most of the day admiring the girl and enjoying her company. Other days he would overthink the situation and become closed off when it came to her so that he wouldn't become attached to a possible false reality

Hearing Saraii explain how he treated her and how she felt about it cause him to open his eyes and realize that he was going about the situation the wrong way. He simply had to accept the fact that he had feelings for the girl even if she didn't feel the same.

1103 words

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