Chapter 16

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Winter's POV

I speed my car at an immense speed not giving a fuck about the speeding ticket or if I might die coz I feel like I'm already dead at this point, all this numbness I feel how I wish to just make a u-turn and go back to her but my pride and self-respect is telling me no. After all she did say if I have an answer for her I know where to find her and plus I have her phone number.

I think I might have been in thoughts for way too long coz my journey is cut short too soon as I already make my way to park around the fountain which on the other manor where all the mafiosos live. I turn off the engine and slam the door as I make my way to the door. The doors are opened by the mafia's butler Jonathan as I slightly nod my head in acknowledgement and greeting, I don't bother going to the kitchen for a drink rather straight to the meeting room where everyone is waiting for me. As I finally make it to the meeting room I spot Lorenzo waiting for me just outside the meeting room with his hands behind his back, he has always been so stiff and keeps his posture straight I find it funny sometimes. He notices me and makes his way to me.

"capo, è un piacere rivederti, aspettavamo il tuo arrivo da più di un'ora" (boss, nice to see you again we've been waiting for your arrival for over an hour ago) I nod my head in response to his greeting

"Buonasera, avevo una cosa importante da fare prima di venire qui. Sono incazzati?" (Evening, I had something important to do before I made my way here. Are they pissed) I think he noticed my mood and decided not to ask what it was but continued the conversation.

"Very much" I couldn't help but laugh as I place my hand on his shoulder walked past him.

" beh lasciali fare, non è che possano uccidermi o qualcosa del genere. Perché scommetto che non possono, anche se ci provassero" (well let them, its not like they can kill me or some shit. Because I bet they can't, even if they tried) we made our way to the door and Lorenzo opens it for me as I step in with an expressionless face, all the murmurs that had been there before I no longer there as everyone shuts the fuck up and rise to greet me all at once. They greet me in unison and I bother answering them and don't even spare a glance at any of them, I take my seat the head of the table as they all sit down after me.

"cominciamo, e assicurati di non farmi perdere tempo" (lets begin shall we and make sure to not waste my time) the meeting was going unexpectedly smoothly than I had expected except for that one mf who wants to disagree with everyone.

"I believe if we buy some time to be fully equipped with all the artillery we are expecting in two weeks, then we'll attack and with the way things aren't going smoothly for John Carmicheal with artillery and alliances we might be able to win this war if things go smoothly that is" in case you're wondering apparently my father's name is Peter John Carmicheal so sorry for not clarifying that to yall. As Jax is about to continue he gets cut off by Morelli this mf who is literally on my last straw to be honest, he askes stupid questions and always disagrees when its not needed and I'm starting to think he's a spy.

"Why can't we just attack them now since we already have more artillery than they have and more soldiers to go around anyway. If we attack them right now it gives us a chance to fully destroy them. Or better yet why can't the boss just give up some territories its beneficial to all of us they get what they want and we get peace, win win right?" I almost thought of agreeing with him in the first half but the last half wtf? 

"Are you dunce or something? you want us to risk all of our territories to some newly found mafia when we clearly need those territories as we have lives on our hands and allies that are clearly relying on us? Even though what you said in the first half is clearly reasonable but don't ever forget who we're dealing with here, that man is more cunning and can outsmart us when we are not looking and I'm not going to sacrifice my men even if their many because at the end of the day they're human with loved ones imagine you're one of the men I'll be sacrificing to the first attack when you clearly know that your life ends there knowing that we could've made the final attack when all the artillery we need had arrived in 2 weeks and leaving all your loved ones, would you've like it?" 

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