Chapter 29

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Kripa's POV

We are back to India and it's been two days. Yash is busy with his work and so am I but I am so disappointed on myself that I could I ket myself be so weak again? I thought I over came everything but no, I didn't!

I am still stuck. When I thought My life is going good but then again...why.

"Hey Kripa, How was your honeymoon?" Ved Asked with a teasing smile


"So you guys?? Like did all that?"

"What ?"

"You didn't right, You can't, do you also feel desire's?"

I narrow my eyes at him "I am not asexual"

"So you feel desire's" He grins and I roll my eyes.

"Bro show me photos"

"Why do you want to increase my headache Ved ? Where is your girlfriend?"

"She is home, Fever"

"Then go and make soup for her" I hold her head

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern

I look at him "Let's have a coffee outside"

As we walk out he says "You look quiet different after marriage"


"Umm How do I say...I mean you are wearing same type of clothes but with the sindoor, you are looking different. I don't know how"

"No need to say, even I feel different"

We stop at a small cafe which is near our cafe and order coffee.

"So what happened to you?" He asked

"Nothing. I am just thinking"

"Something very personal and I can't share that. I just need to divert my mind" I look around

"Is it something anyone knows about?" Ved asked

I shook my head "And I can't even tell anyone"

"Is it something very dark?"

"Ved, I request. Not to continue this topic. I just...don't want to talk about it to anyone"

"Okay but until you won't share it with anyone, you won't be able to keep yourself away from the past"

I have a sip of my coffee "okay leave that, Have you talked to your parents about your marriage?"

"Yes, I did and they are a bit unhappy. I just have to convince them more. Our parents will meet this weekend"

"All the best to you both"

"Thank you" He smiled "Fingers crossed"

We started talking randomly when someone called my name "Kripa?"

I look at the person and it's my college class mate. No.

"Hello Kripa, You remember me?" She asked

"Well..My memory is little weak" I get up "Ved let's go, it's getting late"

She stands infront of me "Wait, Please. I am your college classmate. Surbhi, The topper?"


"How are you? Have you married? You are married Kripa? Oh my god !" She Grins "I can't believe it. I never thought you could...I am sorry but wow, congratulations"

I shook hands with her "Thanks"

"Love marriage? Wait did you Marry Ajay? I knew that you both had something between you too"

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