29 - Bound by Shadows.

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"I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid."

- George R.r. Martin

As I made my way to Goat's, my thoughts were whirling in my head, each contemplating whether I should take the next step or turn away

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As I made my way to Goat's, my thoughts were whirling in my head, each contemplating whether I should take the next step or turn away. I found the door was carelessly ajar, filling me with a nagging sense of unease that clung to the air. The flicker of hesitation lit up in me but was soon quenched by my curiosity.

Slowly, my legs led me across the threshold. As I ambled further into the house, strange noises were seeping out from the basement. Unable to rein in my growing curiosity, I made the choice to make my way down to the source of the noise. Each step that I took on the stairs leading down seemed to amplify the unsettling sounds, vibrating under my shoes with an unsettling resonance.

The heavy door was propped slightly open, through which faint yet chaotic sounds escaped. Gathering my courage, I drew closer, straining my eyes to discern the scene unfolding inside.

And then, I saw it.

Standing at the center of the poorly lit room, Hector was hunched over a visibly battered man lying helplessly on the floor. There was something unusually sinister about the situation. A twisted grin curled up the edges of Hector's mouth, accentuating his bone-chilling calmness.

He broke the unbearable silence with words that fell like ice, "You see, David, the human body is an incredibly fascinating structure. It virtually hands you the manual for causing the worst possible damage."

Paralyzed with fear, I watched as Hector's knife gleamed menacingly under the feeble light. Each precise twist and thrust was an eerie symphony of fear. The man writhed in unbearable agony beneath Hector's onslaught, every trickle of blood eliciting a terrifying sense of satisfaction from Hector.

Even when the tortured screams from the man's lips rang through the hollow space, Hector continued unfazed. With an uncanny precision, he hit the man's kidneys, bringing forth a surge of blood and a muffled whimper as he simultaneously smothered the man's scream with his free hand.

After what seemed like an eternity, Hector finally receded. The sickening grin still stretched across his face, he reveled in the sight of his victim left writhing in the pool of his own lifeblood.

An icy dread coiled around my spine, sending shivers coursing down my back. Despite being no stranger to this world of violence, seeing Hector unleash this degree of cruelty sent a chilling jolt through my senses. It wasn't as if I was innocent of such atrocities myself. But each act had left its mark, resulting in the familiar stab of self-doubt and remorse that lingered afterwards. But Hector's indifferent cruelty...it scared me, penetrating the last shreds of my hardened exterior, and etching a fearful memory that was beyond measure.

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