× The beginning. . . ×

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Dogday's POV:
I walked on the concrete. My foot colliding with the ground as I went. I can't  believe they sent me to calm down Catnap. I saw him. Wide open mouth. A single white dot for a pupil. "C-Catnap? T-This isn't you. . . " I muttered. He glared at me, "Ñøt mé? Théñ whø ís mé." He replied. Not a causal tone. A deep. . Glitchy tone. . A voice of someone who'd what to kill you. "I- listen- we're best friends right? I-i just need you to calm down, alright?" I mumbled as he titled his head, "Çàlm døwñ? Âré yøú séríøüs, Døgdáy. Høw ám í sùppøsēd tò çâlm dòwñ!?" He yelled. I whimpered and lowered my ears. "All I know is that this isn't you. This isn't who you are! Snap out of it Catnap!" I'd exclaim. He glared at me. Menacingly. Threatingly.  
Almost as if he was dead on the inside. "Sñàp ōút øf ït!?" He bellowed.
"YØÙR JØKÌÑG!" He yelled and stared at me. "You can't be killing these poor kids." I replied. He ran at me. Throwing me to the floor and pinning me down to it. "Shut up. I'm sick of your potty talk and pleading." His voice wasn't glitchy but it was deep and harsh. "Ghh-!? Get off, Catnap!" I exclaimed and he leaned his weight on me even more. "I said shut up." He whispered. I shut up immediately. He grinned. "I want them dead. All of them, Dogday. Whom you may ask? Them. Kissy missy, Huggy Wuggy, hell, even Poppy! I need their souls. . . For the prototype. He saved me. They are a saviour! And we need to sacrifice them to the prototype! And quick." He said, swiftly and smoothly. "I can't. . . I can't betray my friends." I mumbled and he widened his eyes. "Friends? In this hell hole? You must be joking. Everyone here is hostile. The prototype is GOD." He grinned maniacally. Smiling at me. With a smile that once wasn't crazy. One that was once. . . Happy.


WORDS : 345

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