Chapter 7: Peek-a-boo...

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The call dropped shortly. I glanced at Calvin, swiftly pivoted, and headed back inside to the main hall bathed in warm, golden light, with Calvin trailing closely behind.

"Where are you going?" His voice came in a hushed question as he looked around cautiously. Inside, there was no room for loud voices. I slowed my pace until I stopped, turning to face him.

"I know where the guys are."


"Cover for us, Cal... Please. We'll be back before the event starts."

"A—Are you serious right now? Mom and Dad will end me."

"In that case..." I walked up to him, placing my hand on his right shoulder, with "concern". He looked down at my hand, his eyebrows scrunching up in suspicion. "I'll never forget you, bro," I added before dashing away, my heels clacking against the ground.

"That brat," He muttered. "At least tell me where you're going," he called out a moment later, but I was too distant to reply.

As my heels faded, a golden pair stepped in... "In loving memory of Calvin Castelino... I can already see it." The young woman offered him a glass of clear, cobalt blue liquid, her words accompanied by a subdued sigh from Calvin. With a soft, amiable character like his, one rarely has a beef with anyone. But Vera... She was simply born to prove otherwise. Cal caught sight of the camera, his response morphing into a smile.
"I don't drink. Thanks though."

Vera shifted slightly, casting a sidelong glance at the reason behind his charming reply. A playful smirk graced her face as she added, "Me neither... It's a mocktail."

Calvin held off for a brief pause as the camera made its way past them before replying, "Let me rephrase that... I don't trust you enough to drink anything from your hands."

She took the glass back, nodding slightly. "Fair choice."

In another part of the building, the elevator doors glided open on the ground floor. Without sparing a moment, I bolted towards the emergency exit, veering off course to avoid the paparazzi. Carrying my heels, I slipped out through the rear door, shivering as the brisk wind brushed against me.

Pausing at the door for a moment to get used to the chilly air, I noticed the sound of footsteps creeping up from the side, followed by the feeling of a comfortable weight of a soft, mocha-colored coat blanketing my shoulders. Glancing to my right, I squinted as the bright light obscured the features of the person standing there.


"Very funny Harry." I muttered, thrusting his coat back to him before heading towards the back exit, flanked by four vigilant security guards. He slung his coat over his shoulder and jogged to catch up with me. As we reached the towering gate, the eldest guard's keen gaze settled on me before shifting to Harry.

"Really kid?" the guard rumbled in his deep voice, addressing Harry as I glanced over at him. Harry exchanged looks, responding with a slight shrug as the guard let out a resigned sigh. "Ten minutes," he added, to which Harry nodded in acknowledgment. The gate creaked open just wide enough for us to pass through as the guard stepped aside. I offered a slight bow as I walked past him, Harry following me.

Scampering towards the neighboring building on my tiptoes, the dusty ground tainting my transparent glittering stockings, I clutched the front of my dress to prevent tripping, narrowly avoiding a stumble. Harry swooped in to gather the trailing teal fabric of my dress, gently easing it down as we approached the rear entrance where Sentinel 5 waited. He smiled slightly, and having seen 5 around pretty often while he accompanied Harry, I knew it was the best he could do, at least to me.

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