what challenge???

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Hoseok and yoongi got escorted to the police station,since they were literally cheabols they let them drive to the police station yet close behind, unexpected accidents wasn't needed right now.

Namjoon had also followed.he was really worried about hoseok as his guardian and friend,what would happen now?,he was very aware of the fact that hoseok was extremely rich and could get out of trouble easily yet he couldn't stop the frown that etch on his face as drove after them.he made sure to contact hoseok parents of the incident since he guess hoseok would nerd them right now even if he didn't they needed to know.

Jungkook,impotently, found himself going to the police station too,honestly he had no idea why he was buting in when it was none of his business,what would he do there?_what say did he have in this?, unlike Tae he wasn't close friend with yoongi had hoseok,all he remember is them sharing some small conversations and greetings nothing more,it's not like hoseok and yoongi were rude infact was sure he would be in their friend group too but he was busy growing up abroad to get to know them well,while Tae grew up together with them.

Finally after a few more heavy minutes they reach the police station,parking their car neatly,police escorted them inside,if you saw the scene you defiantly wouldn't think they were here cause they got arrested,it look like they were the main character of a movie being escorted inside.

The police station was big,every corner you glance at a police officer was there,the vibe it gave off,surely no one desired to stay there for long.

Hoseok sigh as the lead them in,his stomach growled indicating how extremely hungry he was yoongi hearing the sound glance at hoseok.worried but he quickly composed himself not letting his soft side show especially not in front of hoseok.

Hoseok sigh once again and rub his stomach as it growled but just then a police officer grip hoseok hand making him his in pain,his skin was very delicate,even a small grip could make him feel pain.in a blink of an eye yoongi moved forward and push the guy hand off."don't fucking touch him"he hiss,his glare taking the officer by surprise,he look like he was ready to kill the guy."aren't we suppose to handcuff them?"the officer ask clearly confused,the one who brought them in shook his head."oh sorry,my mistake"he bowed and left to do another task.

[Police commissioner JYP]

The loud,irritating sound of munching was the only sound in the room.some minutes had past already since sope was escorted to the commissioner room,and ever since they guy only had been eating like he didn't eat in days,hoseok and yoongi was seated beside each other,both having different expression on their faces.while yoongi was calm and collected,hoseok had an annoyed and disgusted look on his face arm crossed sassily against his chest observing jyp,he didn't look like police officer at all, in hoseok eyes he look he's been trying to look younger than he actually is,don't let him even start on the hairstyle.as JYP finished eating he let out a loud burp making hoseok glare at him,but he smile and wink making hoseok gasp in disgust.

"Let's see what we have here" JYP says going trough the different CCTV footage,where he observe the reckless driving of sope."oh this is not good"he shook his head disapprovingly. "So Min yoongi and Min hoseok" jyp began as he intertwined his hand and look up at them."can any of you tell me how all this began-this lunatic woke up this morning and chose violence,by barching into my fathers company!,chasing me around,almost hitting me and claiming to kill me just because I did something very 𝓼𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵 to him,and my name is Jung hoseok btw not min hoseok"hoseok explained eying yoongi,he knew he wasn't all right but he had to at least save himself, his head held high he huff and face away from yoongi."that's not true"yoongi began leaning slightly forward to explain the situation,"he was the one who-"jyp fist collided hard against the desk making hoseok flinch and yoongi to stop mid sentence."WHAT YOU DID WAS VERY INNAPPROPRIATE!,HOW DARE YOU BARGE INTO SOMEONE COMPANY LIKE THAT??,YOU DESERVE TO ROT IN JAIL!,"jyp yelled unnecessarily caughting everyone of guard.he turn to hoseok and ask "Am I right?" He smiled trying to impress hoseok,in his head he's thinking how cool he looks right now hoseok must think he's his hero the thought only got him blushing but it all went away when hoseok rose up angrily.

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