21. I'M BACK

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i waked up in mrng and decided to wake aktiri too
no no what if she misunderstood me i should wait for...
"what are u thinking?"- someone said behind me and without thinking anything i said -" i wake up aktiri or not ".
"i waked up"- again someone said but i was still busy in my own world and answered as hmm
but soon reality hit me and i turn to her without realising that she was standing too much close to me due to my sharp turn she falled and ohhh shittt she grab me by shirt and pull me too
"ouchhhh"- she screamed and our faces were so close
ohh my godd we are really closed
her light brown dazel eyes with plumb lips long and think eyelashes with a pout on face definitely she is cute
ohh godd rudra keep ur thoughts to urself and wake up.....
i said to myself and wakes up and offer my hand she hold it and waked up too...
it was so awakard situation for me but i tries to keeo calm and said -"let's go aktiri we have to check security"
she nodded shyly and we left to the security.......

i waked up and im waiting for rehaan
ohhh god that boy he's late dumbster can't he be fast .....
i was mummering all this when i heard a voice -"yahh who is dumbster"
"ofc who it can be that rehaan he is late and forget his responsibility already im worried for sia "- i said without thinking anything and then reality hits
shit shit shit I didn't said in front of someone rude person please....
i mummered while crossing my fingers and turned and rehaan was looking at me 'are u serious 'look
i gave him sacrastic smile and said him - let's go we have to check on maids or else vihaan jiju will chopped u and serve u as rehaan soup....
he again looked at with 'what u said repeat again 'look
i felt a tensed atmosphere so i tried to make it cool by saying "let's go we don't have whole day and sia also need us she's gonna wake up soon"
he just run his hands in hairs and moved with me to kitchen where we found Karthik and Anjali di checking on maids quitely
they were behaving like they wanna cook but hell they both don't know cooking that's why I just can't control my laughter and i start laughing while Anjali Karthik looked at me with 'u re dead 'look

"oke sorry guys"- i said while laughing and i noticed rehaan is looking at me ...
no no maybe im thinking much...

"hy let's go u remember sia doctor will came today to check her "- rehaan said while i nodded and move with her in hall...
"ruhi did u gave sia injection"- rudra said with concern and she nodded and we all sit in hall while vihaan was working on his laptop and asked "what kind of injection ruhi"
ruhi said -"nthg much jiju just sleeping ones so she can take rest and don't got nightmare and today is last day of the injection doctors recommended us to give her injection for 2 days atleast "
vihaan nodded and asked for the injection information and i gave him after all he should carry those for future but i hope he never needed...
"yah jiju doctor will come to check sia today "- rudra said and vihaan nodded and said to take care of duties he gave
we all nodded as obident child...

"where is everyone?"- i asked to vihaan
"actually mrs kaur and their daughters are left for temple with rajmata
and baba sa and maa sa gone to office with a important meeting they will come soon"- rehaan said

I was working on my laptop when i got a message i took my phone and open it my eyes were red dark and cold....
"what happened bhai sa"- aktiri asked me that make everyone eyes on me "
I didn't said anything and aktiri took the phone and she was shivering alot like she saw ghost "read the message loud aktiri "- ruhi said

the message
hello kuwar sa raja sa aur villan or vihaan ik my butterfly is with u and seriously im not liking it u think u re strongest here and can stop me so make me clear to u or maybe just lemme gave u a warning that today i will take my butterfly with me in front of ur eyes and u will just keep searching me and me no where to be found and until u will find me i would make butterfly mine. do ur best whatever u can tighten ur security as much as u want ..
and tell ruhi and rudra not to worry bcz i will take care of her very well so bye bye ...
she is mine and definitely mine..

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