Chapter Three

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"We'll be reaching out if we have any more questions" Detective Martinez tells my mom.

He's one of the lead detectives investigating the homicide that just happened..

I told him I didn't see much and that it was a black car but I don't know the make or model.

I feel kind of bad for lying on church grounds but I'm really not trying to be in the middle of whatever that was..


"I can't believe you just saw a murder" Lashay says as we sit in my room.

My mom called the whole family after what happened.

"I didn't really see anything" I tell her shrugging my shoulders.

"Well you saw a dead body" She tells me.

I nod "Just yesterday everything was boring and every day of my life was the exact same but after meeting that lady at the mall this happens?" I say out loud but to myself, trying to make sense of all this..

"What lady at the mall?" Lashay asks in confusion.

I shake my head "Nothing"


"Get up and get ready for school!" A deep voice wakes me up along with knocking on my room door.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"Just let me know you're up please. Your mom had to leave for work and asked me to wake you up" The voice says again.

Once I'm fully awake, I realize that it's my moms fiancé, Mr.Anthony.

"I'm up, thanks" I semi shout so he gets away from my door.

"Okay" He replies.

I hear his footsteps leaving the door.

I do a big stretch before getting out of bed and walking into my bathroom.

I hop in the shower and after twenty minutes I get out.

I wrap my towel around my body, grabbing my styling gel and brush to put my curly 4b hair into a top knot bun.

After I brush my hair I drop my towel revealing my naked chocolate body.

I'm not insecure or anything but sometimes I wish I was light skin like Lashay, her dad is white.

I get out of my thoughts and begin getting dressed.

I put on denim jeans with a black graphic tee shirt and some black bubble slides with charms on them.

I check the time on my alarm clock realizing that I better hurry up before I miss the next bus..

I grab my pink book bag, jogging to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal.

I fix myself a big bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch before leaving the house. I decided to bring my cereal with me so I don't miss the bus.

Just as I step outside I see the bus pass my stop across the street..

"Great" I say sarcastically while eating my cereal.

I slowly cross the street.

The next bus will be here in thirty minutes.

I finish eating my cereal at the bus stop when I notice a blue challenger that road pass twice in ten minutes..

A few minutes later it comes by again but this time it stops.

What the hell?

I sit awkwardly at the bus stop, the windows are so tinted that I can't even see into the car..

Maybe they're looking for someone.

A few seconds go by before the passenger side window rolls down revealing the man from the black Audi.

The shooter from the homicide that occurred by the church..

"Get in" He tells me.

I sit frozen, unsure if I should run or not.

"Don't even think about running. I don't feel like chasing nobody today" He tells me like he read my mind.

"Get in" He repeats, this time more aggressive than the first.

I immediately get into the car.

God if this is how I die please accept my soul into heaven.


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