23. Silverstone

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It's been three weeks since I slept with Charles for the very first time. We've been happy together since that. And I definitely can't get enough of him. He was gone for one more race without me because we couldn't make it work this fast. The palace had to make sure there are special safety rules for me. But today is the day and I can finally go with Charles to one of his races. I can't wait to see how it all works. I couldn't enjoy the Monaco Grand Prix. Now I want to see how it all works and what he has to do. I want to be front row.

I choose this outfit for today, being extra supportive with wearing red:

I choose this outfit for today, being extra supportive with wearing red:

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I'm sitting in the car next to Charles who's driving to the circuit. We see a lot of fans waiting for him and the other drivers to come. They cheer when they see it's Charles. They shout his name and he starts to drive slowly. It's insane. I know crowds but my crowds are more silent, while they patiently wait for me or my family to walk to them. They do cheer but not screaming like this. I start to feel uncomfortable as they see who's sitting next to Charles. The princess of Monaco. His new girlfriend. Me.

C: Just smile and wave. Like always.

He squeezes my knee. I never have to tell him how I feel, he just knows. I nod and start to do smile. I don't wave. They're here for him and I'm not stealing his show.

Charles drives to his parking lot slowly. We have to wait for Ryan and Tom to get some space between the media, fans and us. Charles gets out and runs to my side to open my door. He reaches out for my hand to help me out.

E: This going to be crazy.

He holds my hand tighter as the crowd tries to get closer to me. Ryan and Tom always close to us. Also Charles hired a bodyguard. We walk into the paddock and it's the first time I'm using this paddock pass. I smile seeing my little picture. There is only a few more media cameras which you can easily ignore.

C: Welcome to the Formula 1 world.

E: It's already my second race.

C: I'm sorry, your highness.

Charles bows joking. I laugh and kiss him quickly. I know we shouldn't do this a lot since I'm still royal and we don't show us off a lot. But I'm not here as a royal, I'm here to be a supportive girlfriend.

Charles shows me around the paddock and I meet a few important people. It's so big. Later we arrive at the ferrari garage. Another man is walking over to hug and greet Charles. He sees me behind him and bows.

Carlos: You have to be the princess.

C: I told you, you don't have to bow or anything.

That's the thing. I want to be Charles girlfriend. Not a royal. I want them to treat me like all the other girls here.

C: Elisabeth, this is Carlos, my team mate.

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