8 · Stares And Stone

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I could feel Sapphira's scales grow warmer by each passing hour, her demeanor changed at the sensation of heat on her scales. The flaps on her wings flexed as she flapped them, no longer stiff from cold blood.

Draco's eyes were wide with confusion, and for a moment his expert soaring skills wavered and he dropped a few feet. "Keligon!" I called to Daemon who was a bit lower and in front of me.

Keligon: to stop/cease

The silver haired man up at me, his eyes slightly narrowed, he turned his head to Draco, sensing my concern. "He is fine!" He yelled and then continued on his path, King's Landing was in view, a few more miles at least.

"Keligon." I said more firmly and guided Sapphira to dive down in front of him and land. Caraxes screeched and moved his neck to dodge her tail, Draco stumbled down and met me and his sister on the grass.

I slid off of Sapphira's back and held out a hand toward him, he pressed his nose against it and huffed. "Lykirī Draco, Lykirī." I whispered to calm him.

Lykirī: quietly, silently, calmly

Daemon soared over us and landed with an earth shaking thud on a hill nearby. "He must learn to adapt if the people are to see him as powerful!" He yelled from his position on Caraxes. I narrowed my eyes and gave him a sharp glare.

"He is just a child!" I respond and then go to Sapphira. "I fly with Draco now." I whispered to her, she blinked and her pupils slightly dilated. She let out a low grumble and then looked away.

"A very big, child." Daemon teased, I chose to ignore him. Draco lowered himself and allowed me to swing my leg over, carefully sitting between the spikes and taking hold of his neck spikes.

"Sōvegon." I say, only slightly nervous about how well he'll listen to me. He takes a few steps and then we are in the air. Daemon is quick to follow and Sapphira chooses to trail after him. I watch as she flies next to Caraxes, eager curiosity displayed on her face.


Draco did well this time, he did exactly as I guided him and he got used to the increased temperature. Though I felt his heartbeat, naturally irregular due to his species, and it felt more off.

Dauren had described Kings Landing perfectly, the giant castle and surrounding towers, miles of land full of homes, people stared up at us as we flew over. No doubt they were used to the sight of dragons flying over.

I had to admit, I was very nervous to meet my second cousin Rhaenyra, ever since Viserys named her the heir Daemon told me all about the discontent in the city. I was even more nervous to reunite with Rhaenys.

It's been one of the only things I've been thinking of as we flew, what I would say to her, how I would look at her... When Daemon before we left told me she was visiting Viserys, I didn't know what to reply with.

Nothing could prepare me for everything I was about to face, ever. I was going to ruin Rhaenys' reputation the second word got out about me and my lineage, a married 19 year old Rhaenys has an affair with her personal guard.

Apparently Lord Corlys thought she was pregnant with his child, she told the maids to not let him into the birthing room, and they faked my death the minute I was born. The bastard who never was is what Daemon called me. How he knows so much about everyone, I will never know.

I followed Daemon down the sky and landed on a stoney floor next to two giant doors in the side of a hill. People in robes all alike scattered and tucked long staff to their chests. They looked very odd, but didn't look scared to see dragons landing at their feet.

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