Dancing Career

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Author's POV: 

After six months of being together...

Hana: "Love, what happened with your dad?" Jimin slumped on the couch, frustration evident on his face as he pushed his hair away from his forehead.

Jimin: "He's against the offer. He doesn't want me to pursue dance as a professional career, and if I don't sign the contract by tomorrow, they'll find someone else."

Hana sat beside him, pulling him into a warm hug.

Hana: "Relax, Chim. It will be fine. Don't worry." She caressed his back, soothing his troubled soul.

Jimin: "How can I, Hana? My future is slipping away from me. It's not fair."

Hana: "Okay... Can I ask why your dad is against this?"

Jimin: "He thinks it will affect my studies, and he wants me to take over his company after graduation."

Hana: "And what do you think? Will it hinder your studies, or do you believe you can manage both?"

Jimin: "I love dancing, Hana. It gives me the strength to keep going in life. I'm sure I can handle both if he wants this so much i will do anything to please him but with my passion ."

She cupped his face in her palms.

Hana: "Okay... If you truly believe that, then your dad needs to see your abilities. You can pursue your dreams and still make your dad proud. I'm with you, and if you need any help, I'll do my best to support you."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

Jimin: "He won't approve, Hana. He wants me to solely focus on his business. I don't think it's going to work."

Hana: "Don't assume things you don't know. Just sit back and watch."

She grabbed her phone and called Jimin's dad.

Jimin's Dad: "Don't think you can speak on his behalf. I said no."

Hana: "Dad, why are you shouting at me? I've missed you." 

Jimin's Dad: "Sorry, little girl. Your boyfriend keeps angering me."

Hana: "It's okay. Don't worry, he's annoying as usual." Jimin glared at her, and she tried to hold back her laughter.

Jimin's Dad: "Where are you? Why didn't you come with him?"

Hana: "I had work to do, but I'm free now. Can I come to see you?"

Jimin's Dad: "I was about to leave the company. Let's have dinner together, and don't bring your annoying boyfriend." She chuckled.

Hana: "Just me and you, promise."

Jimin whispered to her: "No, you're not. Why are you having a date with my father?" She placed her finger on his lips, shushing him.

Jimin's Dad: "Okay, I will pick you up."

Hana: "Waiting, Dad." She hung up.

Jimin: "What are you doing, Hana? I said you're not going anywhere." She placed her hands on his shoulders.

Hana: "Are you jealous of your dad's love?" she smiled teasingly 

Jimin: "No, but you're my girlfriend, not his. Why does he favor you so much?" She laughed heartily.

Hana: "He never had any daughters, baby. So, he finds a bit of that feeling with me. And I'm going to help you with his decision. Just cooperate tonight, for me, please?"

Jimin: "He won't change his mind. You're wasting your time."

Hana: "Whatever I do for you will never be a waste. You deserve every second of my life, love." She kissed his lips gently, and he rested his head on her chest, finding solace in her presence.

Jimin: "Don't be late. I need you, you have only one hour, okay?" She patted his back, knowing he wouldn't tolerate her being close to anyone but him.


Jimin's Dad: "What do you want, little girl? They have an excellent steak with mushrooms and mashed potatoes. I promise you'll be amazed."

Hana: "I'm totally in, Dad."

They ordered their food. and he looked to her knowing exactly what she want

Jimin's Dad: "You're here for Jimin, I know. So, don't think about starting anything."

Hana pouted, lowering her head.

Hana: "Okay... as you wish. I won't say anything."

Jimin's Dad: "You brat, don't show that face to me. He'll ruin his future with his foolish passion. I can't let him do this."

Hana: "Do you believe in me, right?"

Jimin's Dad: "I do, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Hana: "His passion for dance gives him the strength to keep going in life. If you take that away from him, he may resent the path you choose for him. The contract he wants to sign won't hinder his ability to take over your company or affect his studies

Hana: "I know it's difficult, but this is his dream. He needs to pursue it, and I promise to help him balance both. He won't disappoint you."

Jimin's Dad: "But if he gets fully involved in a dance career, he won't think about the company, Hana."

Hana: "I understand it's challenging, but he deserves a chance. The contract is only for three years, and if he fails, you can stop him from signing a new one. What do you say?

He furrowed his eyes, contemplating her words.

Jimin's Dad: "You little devil... Okay, let him do what he wants. But if he fails in any of his subjects, you'll be the one facing me."

Hana jumped in happiness.

Hana: "You're the best, Dad. I promise I'll do my best. I love you." She started digging into her food, her cheeks stuffed.

Jimin's Dad: "Did you like it?" He looked at her with a soft smile, appreciating her kind heart and the warmth she brought into their lives. After Jimin's mother died, he hadn't found anyone who could take care of him, but Hana knew how to warm his heart. In that moment, he wished she was his daughter.

Hana :" so much " 

Jimin'sDad :" my son is so lucky to have you as his girlfriend, I hope he know that " 

Hana :" he do dad , he never hurt me " she smiled sweetly  to him

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