First Love

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I've heard many stories about everyone's
First love,
But my favorite story
Is yours.

Your first love,
The way you could easily
Remember the first time you saw her.

You know you fell the moment
You met her.
You even admitted to remembering
The small details about her.

You even remember her outfits and her silly fights with you.
You remember the anxious waiting
To see her everyday.

You remember your attempts to
Sit near,
I love the excitement in your voice
Each time you reminisce.

You still laugh about how clueless she was even till this day.

You were both mean to each-other in a
Playful way.
Until you finally had the courage to tell her you liked her.
Turns out,
She liked you too.

You also recall when you started dating her,
You still laugh about the first kiss,
When the wind pushed her hair in the way,
And how you and her had to redo the kiss.

You remember the way it felt to have her between your arms, the way you'd wait everyday just to see her. Although you were both young, you can still remember the feeling of how real it was.

You remember the first
I love you.
The way her cheeks flushed red
Each time you were near.
The petty fights, The stolen kisses,
The endless phone calls, The songs you'd send to her, The love letters, the way her smile brightened when she'd see you, and even her shyness,
you remember it all too well.

You even remember
The goodbye,
The way you two didn't have time
For a proper ending.

The way it hurt you to let her go,

I remember it all too well.

I remember every detail about you,
And how hard it was to let you go.

Your first love story is my favorite
Because I was her.

I hope you know
You were my first love too.

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