Chapter 176

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2017 is the year when Bai Yu won the film and television industry grand slam with "Prince".

It was also a year when his career soared.

After taking a few days off from the crew, Bai Yu took off his dirty costume, changed into a handsome suit, stood on the stage with the trophy, smiled and said honorifics, thanks, and then bowed.

Bai Yu won three trophies in five days, namely: Best Actor of the Year, Xiaobaihua Emperor, the Most Explosive Actor Award and, he still didn't win two awards, one is the actor award with the highest number of times on the search bar of the year, and the other is the best big-screen actor who won the movie "Undercover" he shot last year.

Bai Yu was beautiful for a while.

Acquaintances, relatives and friends in the circle, all of them when Bai Yu went home one after another to win five trophies, the blessings came as promised, Bai Yu is very satisfied with the Grand Slam awards he won in the film and television industry this year, because these trophies are the best proof of his acting skills and popularity recognized by the public and professionals, and they are also a big step for Bai Yu to take a big step towards his dream.

Bai Yu's dream is to win the World Little Golden Man Award and become the best international actor.

This dream is a bit ambitious, but Bai Yu feels that he will definitely be able to win it, and it is only a matter of time.

And the [Escape from the End] that he is filming recently is Bai Yu's first step towards his dream again, and the broadcast direction of this drama He plans to keep pace with the times in the form of online drama broadcasting, comparing their shooting backgrounds is a bit too bloody, if it is broadcast in prime time on TV, he is worried that it will be taken off the shelves.

The ability to accept the ideas of Chinese people is different from that of foreigners.

And there will be children watching during the golden broadcast time at night, he is not a virgin, but since he became the father of two children, Bai Yu is very concerned about the healthy growth of children.

To get back to the point, because the broadcast method of [Escape from the End] takes the form of online broadcasting, Bai Yu has seriously discussed with Song Jun, the largest investor, that since it is going to take the form of online drama broadcasting, then the fat water will not flow into the fields of outsiders, and it will be undertaken by the online broadcasting circle that Song's latest plan to implement is fully created by Song's full authority.

The person in charge is Song Shirin.

Song Shirin is recently in charge of a brand new project opened by Song's, which is to invest in online TV and open a network player in Song's name.

And Bai Yu's recent filming of [End Escape] was set as a signboard that attracted the attention of netizens when Song's Internet Player was born.

Bai Yu is naturally willing.

However, since it was decided to take the form of online broadcasting, Bai Yu and Song Jian also discussed and discussed that the plot of [Escape from the End] must be compact and fast, so each episode has an hour in length, with a total of five episodes, in the form of quarterly broadcasts.

The first season has five episodes, each lasting one hour.

The first season will be released first, and if the feedback data is good at that time, then continue to film~~ This is also a helpless move.

After all, the background of [Escape from the End] is the end of the world, in order for the audience to have a higher acceptance of this background and a stronger sense of substitution, the filming and framing of the crew are all live-action shooting.

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