Ch. III ✡Two Can Play At This Game✡

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YOU OPEN THE DOORS to the hotel's entrance, only to see the longue that was empty the night you arrived, now full of demons, small to large, all different personalities and colors and species.

One tall, white and pink spider demon lays sprawled out on the couch, his two upper arms thrown over the sides of the couch, while his two bottom arms play on his Hellphone with an unamused, bored, look on his white and pink face.

A small/frantic pink one-eyed girl with reddish pink hair and a small skirt runs back and forth, chasing after the bugs the hotel is ridden with, holding a needle as tall as her, using its tip as a spear.

The same cat demon is behind the bar counters, drinking some cheap booze in a tinted green bottle, while a bright, cheery, blonde hair, pale skinned demoness sits at the bar, rambling in a high-pitched voice about ways to improve the hotel.

Even without royal attire or a crown, you notice instantly that this is Charlie Morningstar.
She is especially known for her...chipper attitude and outlook on life in Hell. She is probably the ONLY one who has a positive mood in Hell. So, that makes it easier for you to point her out.

While this room is indeed full of demons you've never met, and probably never will meet, your eyes can't seem to find the one you're really looking for.


Such hilarity, Alastor is always there when you don't want or need him, and during the moments you do, he disappears.
Almost as if its a game for him, like he wants to be searched for.

You shut the doors behind you, approaching the bar.
"Greetings Princess," you lower your hood, bowing a little before the princess. "I am Y/N, Zestial's daughter. Last night I arrived in hopes for a business position of your hotel. I was wondering if you could tell me where-"

"Ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy stars!!" Charlie suddenly squeals, which makes you flinch back a little in sudden shock from her quite excited and happy reaction when she first saw you.

Charlie jumps up and down, making weird, little noises as her eyes are glued shut in excitement.
She suddenly grabs your hand, shaking it in a fast manner, tugging you forward slightly during the process.

"I have heard SOOOO much about you!" she giggles, "I've always wanted to see you!"

"Oh?" you chuckle nervously, pulling your hand away from hers. "I'm flattered."
Are you? Or are you just lying? It's not common for people to be excited to meet you, this in truth, is the first time someone has ever said that.
You should take it as a compliment, but you don't. You are slightly...weirded out by it.

Charlie giggles, bringing her dainty hands to her doll like cheeks, her eyes twinkling.
All of have no idea why the Princess is so excited to see someone like you.

You clear your throat. "Can thou point me to the direction where the Radio Demon is?" you ask politely, hoping that this little first meeting between you and Charlie will be over and you can go find what you're really after and not waste any more time.

Charlie's brow furrows suddenly, her excitement now being sucked away and replaced with confusion.

Is it not common for people to be looking for Alastor? Or is it not common for someone like YOU--who is too smart for his deals and tricks--to be looking for him?

"Alastor is in the hotel's ballroom. Down there, first door on your right," she points at the open hallway to your left. "But...why do you want to know? Do you know him by chance?"

You chuckle. "I partially know him. I came to the hotel last night in search of a position when it comes to your hotel staff, which Alastor agreed too."

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now