Mission Status: DAMAGED

10 1 0

Blaring alarms echo around and I can't help but wince as we make our way towards the deck, closer to the source of the noise.

The ship's AI voice speaks in the intercom, steady and composed as always, "Status Report: Critical, power fluctuations detected in reactor rooms, anomaly in the warp drive and speed of light breached. Failure to continue on course...Immediate assessment and action required "








Please this can't be happening again?

The familiar feeling of wanting to cry bubbles up painfully inside and I have to dig my nails into my palms to distract myself.

"это пиздец"  003 curses and angrily throws the hand held projector of the holographic map in a random direction which happens to be me.

I yelp and narrowly dodge letting it hit the wall behind me causing sparks to shoot out one of the circuit boards. Ouch poor ship, maybe it would have been better if I let it hit me.

"Calm down" 001 warned, snapping out of his trance of disbelief

"We wouldn't even be in the mess if that Долбоеб" he pointed at 002 "could follow simple instruction"

"Wow your asshole must be pretty jealous of all the shit that's coming out your mouth" she barked back, anger flickering in her eyes "I made an executive call because you were too slow telling me the direction!"

"You jumped the gun! Your the reason why we ended up with the micro-meteor colliding into us, if you would have just given me one second more we would still be sailing along Hubble Field"

"Oh really why don't we ask 009 she was there... what do you think he was being slow right?" She asks looking me dead in the eye, causing  others to stare in my direction too..

I shrink back, trying to not focus on the sudden uncomfortable attention "Umm well"

But nothing...I shake my head at a loss for words, my mouth suddenly a dessert. Why would she even ask me she knows I hate confrontation?

003 looks over at me and as if he can read my mind his hardened eyes soften; changing his demeanour so now he's just grumbling annoyedly.

"Cosmos do we follow same procedure as before" 001 asks the acronym for our ai 'Central Operating System for Multifunctional Outings in Space' cosmos

"Yes Captain you will need to pick someone to go outside and patch the opening in the anti matter chamber, hopefully then it will hold whilst we travel somewhere safer where we c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c"

"Cosmos?" He calls

No answer.

001 let out an exasperated sigh pinching the bridge of his nose before addressing us "Prepare the patch kit, we'll all be putting suits on because I don't know if we're still getting a supply of oxygen and bring out the walk line"

"Who's the one that's going out" 005 questions wearily (our weapon chef )

"I am" 001 replys in a voice unperturbed by anything. I guess that's why he was made captain, 1 was always prepared and never seemed scared or nervous even when we were kids

But for mw, you can practically see the waves of anxiety rolling off my body which turns into a sinking pit in my stomach as new fear arises.

"009–" he addresses me though before he could say anything more I interject with a hug

My shaking arms wrap around his torso and I manage to mumble "Please be safe"  without my voice cracking. he returned my embrace in his big bear hug momentarily but then he's back to captain mode in a flash.

"Put on your suits and 004 and 009 get the patch kit and wires " he repeats and we all walk away.

With a hum, the metallic closet opened, revealing the high-tech suits within. I have to go on my tiptoes to reach my hanger and helmet- I swear this ship is designed for giants!

The fabric shimmers in the lights as I carefully stepped into it and pull it over my simple shorts and long sleeve shirt. I remember thinking when I was little that we were going to look like those big white refrigerator men astronauts who went to the moon... But the designs had changed a lot since then.

The helmet was just a transparent visor pulsating with a soft blue glow and I secured it in place, the hiss of the seal echoing in the confined space.

And finally on my way out I grab the long metallic cord that I had wrapped up into a bow during one of those less stressful times for number 1 to use. Praying that the nothing terrible would happen on this walk.

As I went back the hushed whispers among the group confirmed the gravity of the situation. Everyone was probably freaking out in their own ways it's just that I wasn't as good as doing it internally.

"The doors are malfunctioning"  I looked over at 001 who had his suit on aswell and peeked at the code he was punching into the keypad.

The airlock door begrudgingly opens slightly and then stopped

A suffocating silence enveloped the spacecraft.

"Fuck" He muttered under his breath as he repeatedly put in the pin again and again.




We all watched on as he gave up with the code and attempted to go through the gap and then as 005 tries and as 008

My heart sank as the weight of his next words "none of us can get through"

But it wasn't true... With a deep breath I shook my head and step forward squeezing myself through the small gap.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read
I hope you enjoyed
And Dw the alien will be coming soon

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