Pt.5 「Thank you」

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(6:45am) (Y/n's Pov)

You sit up, stretching and yawning, causing you to fully wake up.
You groan and whine, until you check your phone to see it's a Sunday.


You get up from the bed, grumbling and stretching your stumbling legs before heading to the shower to wash off all the sweat. Once you finish you do all the rest of your hygiene and get up to your kitchen, only to find out there's basically no food..
Are you kidding me?

You get dressed, tying your hair in a lazy ponytail, but not lazy enough to make you look homeless. You get your leg warmers, your jumpers and your hair clips, putting them all on as you receive a text.


Are you up N/n? Id like to see you today I miss you :3

Hey Aso! Of course, what should we do?

Maybe.. go to the convenience store together and get snacks?
Like we used tooooo? :4

Okay, we'll I'll meet you at the park and we can walk there,
the one we used to go to. It's in shisuta town right?
Haven't been there in a while..!

Sure! I'll be there in 30 minutes, cya!


(Shisuta Town) (7:30am)

You impatiently wait for Aso, who's running late as usual, which isn't expected because he is super fast, but forget it! Because your gonna get to see him now that you and him are both finally free!

You tap your feet on the sidewalk as you notice strange looking people- or sketchy, looking people walking past. Ew.

"Heyy! Y/n!" Aso yells, causing you to flinch and turn behind you, you smile brightly and run over to him, meeting in the middle and sticking together, ...painfully.

"Aso! Baby!" You squeak, smiling as sweet as pure sugar. You both hug and rush to a local convenience store, one that you used to go to when you were much younger.
Smiling and skipping the entire way.

You both enter and split up. You go straight to the sweets and he goes up to the drinks. You check your purse to see a big sum of money your parents gave you, since they can't provide for you right now, across the country and all..

You grab many sweets:
cookies, donuts, drinks, and way more, once your satisfied you dump it on the counter and pay, grabbing the paper bag filled with cheap, colourful packaged food.
After you and Aso are done shopping, you head to the park, on the way, you both split up so he can jog to whatever healthy food place Aso eats at. You had planned to meet him at the park but...


You smash into someone else, causing you to fall, you rub your head and look up, seeing a large man glaring at you, like you betrayed him years ago and he finally found you again.
"h-hey Sir, im so sorry!" You groan, somehow talking just made your head suddenly pound.. Ouch.

"No problem doll, here.." He picks up your paper bag and hands it to you. You take it and he also helps you up. You smile at him and go to thank him but he interrupts you.
"Hey doll, you look like a cutie..! You'd be a good money maker..." He smirks, eyeing you up. You squirm and step back, shocked by his sudden disturbing remark..
Ew, what a fucking weirdo.

「Trouble.」 Osorō Shidesu x Reader ☆Where stories live. Discover now