Chapter 151

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"Fuxk! Who are you!"

Kayden quickly activated the magic circle, but it failed to manifest. The spell quickly dissipated.

The earring burned unbearably. The roaring mana was disrupted by the strange waves the earring emitted.

He coughed up blood as he was overwhelmed by the power churning within him.

-cough, cough.

Kayden slumped back in his seat, spat a glob of blood onto the floor, and took a deep breath.

A pair of immaculate white shoes that appeared to belong to an adult male towered in front of him.

"You've been through a lot."

At first, the voice sounded encouraging, but there was a hint of boredom in it.

Kayden struggled to steady his dizzying mind. He couldn't let himself go so pathetically.

Gritting his teeth, his eyes red and bloodshot, he lifted his head. Unable to remove the earring, he thought he might better rip off his ear entirely.

But even then, he couldn't use his hands as the mana bounced away.

"What kind of fuxking trick are you playing on me?"

"Hmm. You can withstand that power? You're even stronger than I thought. My descendant, you've grown up very well."

Kayden didn't even have the strength to respond to Jenas' admiration with profanity.

Kayden slumped to the floor.

Then, as if waiting for this, Jenas pushed his shoulder with his foot, pressed him to the floor, and grinned arrogantly.

"To create a body that could live without food for a thousand years and not age, I dabbled in black magic. But in return, my body is too weak to contain any more mana than it already does, so I needed a young, hot-blooded body like yours."

Jenas slowly ran his eyes over Kayden's body. From head to toe, as if appraising a product.

"No other child of House Rohade's blood was as compatible with me as you. The amount of mana, the ability to harness it, the solidity of your body... I can't think of a more perfect body for my use."

Jenas grabbed Kayden by the chin. He slowly bowed his head toward Kayden.

A series of intricate magic formulas flashed across his red eyes as he stared straight into Kayden's.

'Fuxk! Fuxk!!!'

Kayden felt his entire body paralyzed by Jenas' gaze, and though he fought to keep himself from being controlled by him, he was no match for the man who had spent so many years preparing for this moment.

Jenas' body was crumbling like a grain of sand, and soon it was blowing in the wind and being absorbed into Kayden's body.

As Jenas was absorbed into Kayden's body, Kayden's vision became increasingly blurry. It seemed as if his soul was being sliced up like grains of sand to take over his body.

'Dammit, who gave me this damn earring?'

Ah, yes. I remember. The earring had been given to me by my half-brother Herald, who had been persecuted by House Rohade for his dirty blood.

I thought Herald would have nothing to do with the Rohades.

'I've been negligent.'

Kayden gritted his teeth and swallowed his anger.

'I'm not dying until I've killed every last one of them.'

I'll definitely get my revenge. I couldn't let my life begin with a Rohade and end with a Rohade.

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