Chapter Two ~ Sophie

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Sophie breathed a sigh of relief as the pack house came into view. It had been a six hour drive here from DC and she was tired of being couped up in the car. She needed to stretch her legs and maybe let Virginia out for a run, it had been almost ten days since their last one. She had driven with her sister, brother-in-law, and their three children the ten hours it took to get from the White Mountains in New Hampshire to Washington DC, spent a week doing all the tourist things there before driving the six hours out to the Blue Hollow Pack. She had never gone that long without being in nature in some way. Even during her two week long trip to London she had been able to get out of the city for a bit to run.

Running in her wolf form was one of her favorite things to do. Letting Virginia take control and sitting back to feel the air move through her fur as they flew through the forest made Sophie feel at peace. The sun was beginning to get low in the sky so she doubted she'd be able to run today, but maybe first thing in the morning.

Pulling up in front of the house, they began to pile out of the car. Sophie had to climb around her still sleeping niece to get out. She stretched arching her chest to the sky and let out a sigh of relief when her back cracked. Looking around she saw that there wasn't anyone around. "Where is-?"

Her question was cut short by the front door opening. A handsome looking werewolf with jet black hair like Nathan's came running down the steps. "Cousin!" He enveloped him in a wolf hug and stood there for a moment before pulling back to look at him. "Being mated looks good on you!" He looked around and his gaze landed on Sophie who stood watching their interaction. The males eyes widened as he took her in and he sniffed the air slightly. "Don't tell me this is your mate," he exclaimed. "I might just have to steal her away from you."

Nathan laughed lightly but Sophie could see the way his eyes tightened slightly. "No, this is my sister-in-law Sophie. Sophie this is my cousin Otis. This-" he turned as Paige came around car their other two pups in tow, "-is my mate, Paige. Paige meet my cousin Otis."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Luna." He took her hand and kissed it. Paige chuckled at the unamused look on Nathan's face.

"Please, it's Paige. We are family after all."

"And who's this little guy?" Otis asked, looking at the pup in Paige's arms.

"This is Daniel. Daniel, can you say hello?" The pup got shy and hid his head in his mother's neck. Otis chuckled at the young pup, before moving his gaze down to the young female holding on the Paige's leg. He squatted down to be at eye level.

"And who's this young beauty?" The pup, while less shy than her brother still hid herself behind Paige slightly and she answered him.


"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Este. I'm your cousin Otis." He held out his hand for her to shake, she looked up at her mom in question. Paige nodded at her and the girl took a breath before stepping out from behind her mother to shake her cousins hand quickly only to hide back behind her mother again.

"Otis, where is everyone?" Nathan asked. "I've never known Blue Hollow to be this quiet."

"They're all out back at the barbeque. We've got a few first shifts happening tonight, the first we've had in a while so AJ wanted to make it a little party out of it. He told me to tell you that if you all would like to join us you're welcome too but if you prefer go straight up to your rooms your welcome to do that as well."

"Are you having a pack run with the first shifts tonight?" Sophie asked hopefully.

"We are, and you're welcome to join us for that as well." Sophie smiled broadly. She was relieved she wouldn't have to wait until morning to run. She turned back to the car to start gathering their luggage when a car coming up the drive pulled her attention. It was moving fast and kicking up a ton of dust. The engine seemed to be competing with the music as to which could be the loudest.

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