Face the storm

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Jungkook chuckled as all Jimin seemed to say was 'wow' as he wandered around the suite.
They had driven from the airport straight to the hotel.
"This is five times r more the size of my apartment!"
He squealed at the large hotub in the private outside area,"can we?"
"Let's go to the restaurant and eat first"
Tidying themselves up they were escorted to one of many restaurants in the hotel and given a slightly secluded table.
"I was a bit worried I wouldn't fit in with my clothes but Tae chose well nobody would guess they were bargains would they?"
Jungkook was going to agree but then realised he didn't want to lie to Jimin.
"Babe...er I bought your clothes"
"But I told Tae to give you the money!"
He went to fish his wallet from his pocket but Jungkooks hand stopped him.
"Er don't get mad but,well all the money you had would have probably just covered the boxers and half a t shirt...."
Jimin gulped," I'm wearing something that cost more than a months rental for my apartment?oh god!!!"
Jimin looked down at himself,the softest of soft t shirt,the way the jeans fitted,the leather belt and the boxers so soft and silky....!
"Babe don't worry,I have so much money that hardly makes a dent in it!"
"But I don't and I don't want others to think I'm using you for money..." Jimin fretted
"Of course they won't .....they all know it's just my body. You want!" He smirked
Jimin punched his arm wincing at the sudden movement.
"See your not doing yourself any good so sit and eat."
Jimin pouted,not realising just how tempting he looked.
A loud female voice was suddenly heard.
"Jeon Jungkook! I heard you were on tour!"
"Hello Helena,how's the newsroom treating you?"
"Aw sweetie,still good manners I see,I'm busy busy busy as usual...just enjoying a couple of free hours before I have to work at some award show.....and who is this charming young man with you?"
"This is Jimin,"
Jimin got a few words of the conversation and tried some of his own.
"Hello I Jimin I dance Jungkook," he bowed but winced.
"Oh sweetie are you in pain it's not the food is it?!?!"
"No,no Helena,Jimin was unfortunately robbed and beaten I'm showing him not everywhere is like that."
"Oh you poor thing sweetie,now I'm sure Jungkook here will take good care of you," she said looking at Jungkooks hand holding Jimin's  and winking,
"Bye bye boys,"
"Nice lady," Jimin smiled
"She is but be prepared we will probably be on some news event tonight"
"We will?"
"She's the queen of chat somewhere in here she will have people taking photos and you'll only know it when your face is in the news."
"But you were so nice to her?"
"Be nice and they are nice to you,brush them off and they are not so nice"
Jungkook ordered some wine but only let Jimin have a little,
"Your on medication"
"But this tastes so nice not like the stuff you buy in the convenience store!"
"God your adorable," he watched as Jimin sipped on the wine his face going rosy.
"So we have tonight and all tomorrow free then late the following afternoon we visit where the concert is...you are not to dance if it's too painful you hear?"
Jmin chewing on a mouthful of steak made puppy eyes at him.
"Kookie two days of nothing I'll be as right as rain....er can I have a little more wine it tastes nice with steak!"
Not being able to deny him anything jungkook tipped a small amount into Jimins glass topping his own up and finishing the bottle.
"Not fair!"
Grinning Jungkook sipped from his own glass.
They had eaten their meal and Jimin was making appreciative noises at the fluffy dessert he'd ordered.
"Mr Jeon? I'm sorry to bother you my daughter is a huge fan,we are here for her 18th birthday party,could you possibly spare time for a photo?
A middle aged man asked pointing to a table two down from there where possibly his wife and some younger girls sat excitedly.
"Er...." He looked at Jimin who waved him off before he walked over with the father.
"Huh his daughter,please look at how eager his wife is to rub up against him," Jimin scoffed annoyed then sipping Jungkooks wine glass drained it.
Jungkook got away getting back to Jimin who fake smiled at him.
"So who had the biggest chest,mum or daughter they weren't shy about showing it off..."
Jungkook glanced at his empty wineglass and half smiled.
"Shall we go back to our room Jiminee?"
"Whatever," Jimin huffed
"Didn't you want the hot tub?"
Jimins face brightened but he said nothing
Once back in their suite Jungkook switched the hot tub on to fill,little lights lit up and the whole place was bathed in fairy lights.
"There's a mini fridge,you might want some water,I'll go get some towels,"
"This place is secret,no cameras?"
"If you're asking if you can skinny dip the answer is yes,it's secluded,I'll go get the towels then we can change."
Jungkook went off but Jimin didn't wait stripping off and getting into the hot tub,Jungkooks view was of that delectable ass disappearing under the water.
There was a ledge to sit on and Jmin suk down tipping his head back,eyes closed singing one of Jungkooks songs.The water felt lovely and relaxing.
He heard splashes as Jungkook got in but he kept his eyes closed.
"Ignoring me Jimin?"
"I thought you might have had enough of being fawned over so....yer," jimin sassed back
"I'll take that as the wine talking" a voice said nearer to him.
His eyes shot open to see Jungkook looking like a wet Greek god leaning over him.
"You think a tiny glass of wine is going to affect me?"
"I'm saying you might be a bit tipsy yer,"
"Pfft! Just because I'm not a muscled jerk like you doesn't mean I can't hold my drink!"
Jimin stretched his arms along the side tipping himself back so his body floated up showing itself to Jungkook who couldn't help but stare at the others arousal.
"Ah Jiminee don't tempt me not when your supposed to be resting,"
"What I'm not as pretty as them?" Jimin taunted
A grunt was heard then Jungkook stepped between Jimin's legs gripping his ass and aligning himself before thrusting in deeply.
Jimin moaned in pleasure gripping the sides and hooking his legs around Jungkooks waist as the other gripped his ass and thrust deeply in.
"I....wasn't....going ....to do....this   You little fucker,"
"Harder!" Jimin groaned loudly
Jungkook obliged taking one hand from Jimin's ass and pumping his ignored member for a while before he felt Jimin tighten and release in strips of white..
Jimin suddenly Giggled "it's floating!"
Jungkook groaned they released into Jimin the other milking him dry.
"Ah fuck!" He muttered as he released himself from Jimins tight grip.
He walked Jimin to the steps letting him climb out before he climbed out pressing a button to empty the tub of water and evidence of what they had been doing.
Let's shower and watch a movie?"
They washed off and dressed in complimentary robes,jungkook brought bottled water and snacks to the sofa.
Flicking through the channels Jungkook stopped at entertainment news and there sure enough was something from Helena,
"Hi everyone well idol Jungkook certainly spiced up someone's 18th party tonight giving a young girl something to talk about for years( the hidden cameraman had a shot of Jungkook inbetween the two women)Jimin made a sound of disgust causing Jungkook to chuckle then Helena went on" something tells me Jungkook only had eyes for one person tonight a certain cute back up dancer who goes by the name of Jimin,the handsome cutie was being treated to a special night out by the idol after being robbed in New York ,I hope this young man likes our town better!"
A picture of Jungkook smiling at Jimin holding his hand as Jimin smiled back was there for the whole world to see.
"Well babe,we aren't a secret anymore!"
Jimin sighed then muttered," and I take a better picture than those two hussies!"
Jungkook laughed out loud.
"You surprise me you know?I was worried how you would react once it was put out there so everyone could see?"
Jimin turned to him frowning" why should it bother me? Everyone I know has always known I'm gay.....you're the superstar not me,so in reality you have more to lose,people may have wondered about your orientation....now they will know...." Jimin said matter of factly.
"God I adore you," Jungkook said claiming his lips.
"Yer,yer now find a film and er I think I'll take some painkillers,the drink is wearing offf!"
Jungkook tutted but got the medication and sat with Jimin finding a comedy they could both watch.
Halfway through Jimin climbed on his lap snuggling against him,soon after Jungkook carried the sleeping boy to bed,snuggling against him.
"I think I love you Park Jimin and I'm not going to let them take you away from me." He whispered quietly to sleeping male before spooning against him and sleeping too.

My kinda guyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang