Chapter 9

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     Julie came back from the Record room and gone straight to meet Mr Smith. She excitedly discussed about her analysis, like a child, explaining her day in school to her mom. Mr Smith never acted like a boss, he is a good mentor to his subordinates. He also gave out key points to read further. Mr Smith asked, "Everyone is busy with the party preparation, I am planning to assign you the stage decor supervison, along with Noah,is that fine?" "ok sir" Julie replied and came back to her seat.

     Chelsea was working with two other colleagues on the guest list. She came back after sometime to her cubicle next to Julie. Julie wondered "are you gushing over something in mind?" Chelsea excitedly said "You know something? Lisa Hudson is on the guest list, I think you need to put her next to Mr. Kingston on stage" Julie questioned "but why?" "don't you think they are dating or perhaps in a relationship?" "Oh, is it how did I miss this news?" stated Julie."Though, it's not official, we saw them in hi-roam, hanging out together, she's sending him flowers, she has been invited for the company's party, isn't it obvious?"listed out Chelsea. Julie nodded in agreement, " You're right".

     The next two days people in the office were buzzling around with the preparations. Julie visited the Record room everyday finishing off her party works in the morning as Noah would back her up mostly, also Mr Smith approved Julie's absence as she anyways works on the company's project. Julie always finds it therapeutic around books. Reading amidst the stack of books, spending time in the library are one of her favourites. It was eight when she left the office, security officer, Mr Ben came to her,"Miss, kindly hold on, let's get a cab for you" "Mr. Ben, no thanks I can take the bus" "no mam, it's a standing order to send female employees back home safely beyond office hours". "Mr.Ben please call me Juliet, I understand but my neighbourhood is safe so I will be fine". He was not convinced "here, please take my number. Call me once you reach safely". She thanked him and stated "Mr.Kingston is very thoughtful & an attentive employer" "Indeed he is" smiled Mr.Ben. She smiled and started off. Working for the Kingston is a privilege & pride she thought to herself, the feeling of someone having your back just warms the heart and gives the sense of security.

Saturday evening

     Everyone came in their best outfits to the party. The Kingston employees party is a significant event, all the media houses are eagerly anticipating to cover the evening. The dignitaries started coming in, they have been allotted a private lounge for a little refreshment before the meeting starts. The man of the show,Mr Henry Kingston arrived in his limousine, he looked dapper in his custom made Brioni Ivory silk plume suit. The big screen inside the hall, displayed the events from the entrance. The hall went in awe when Mr Kingston entered. Lisa Hudson, came exactly at the same moment as Mr Kingston, she joined him while entering, the media circled them and bombarded them with questions. The security officer, Mr.Ben & his men cleared the way and let them in. The music started playing signalling their grand entry. Lisa Hudson was wearing an emerald green, one shoulder high split gown, complimenting his Ivory suit. Soon the couple becomes the talk of the event.

 Soon the couple becomes the talk of the event

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     Henry left Lisa in the allotted front row seat and went to MC desk to give some instructions

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     Henry left Lisa in the allotted front row seat and went to MC desk to give some instructions. Shortly, the event has begun and the dignitaries started filling up the stage. Chelsea is shocked to find that Lisa is seated off stage. She hurried to Julie and asked bit annoyingly "why Lisa Hudson has no seat on stage?" Julie replied, "do you think I get to decide who sits where? it was prepared by senior executives and duly approved by Mr Kingston himself". Chelsea calmed down and guessed, "then there must be some reason, but have you looked at them while they entered? Chelsea gushed. Julie dreamily said "oh, yeah, the entire hall was mesmerised".

      Mr Kingston was called to give his speech. He expressed his admiration for the talents and efforts of the employees that has made the Kingston corporation one of the biggest companies. He gave out some awards for exemplary performance of workers and announced that the Vice president Mr Sean Holland is retiring and he will be replaced by Mr Samson Smith, who will be next in charge after Henry himself. Employees were shocked and surprised at this announcement. The finance employees screamed in happiness and cheered for their boss.

     "The next big announcement is..." he paused, the Hall went silent in anticipation."Just in, I received a news that the government has approved our tender for convention Centre project" there was a roaring applause, almost the entire office knew about this tender as people from various departments have been working on this.Henry glanced at Julie for a split second and continued, "we have worked on numerous projects till date yet only few will be remembered with details and will stay in mind, this is one such project, the process of preparing this tender was interesting, the discussions were healthy during the meeting. My hearty congrats to each one of you involved in this project proposal, you can expect a bonus reward in your salary account tonight. The added cheering came from the team members.

     "I usually do not think much about the project once the tender has been submitted, but there is this one person who worked on it more than 25 hours in the past week reading, collected various resources, analysed and prepared a draft without bothering about the outcome of the tender approval which was uncertain, such a devoted member in the team can keep up the active working spirit, hence I name..Miss Juliet Rozana as the project head under the guidance of Mr Smith" he looked at Julie and she frooze in her place with her eyes about to pop out. The MC announced, "please pass on the Mic to Ms Rozana, let's hear a few words from her" Chelsea nudged Julie to come back to senses and collect the Mic, "Ms Rozana, Why do you put so much efforts for a project that is not even approved, whats your purpose?" "good evening everyone,actually I was exclusively working on financial aspects of a project so far but for the first time I was associated with different elements from various other departments apart from mine that constitutes a project proposal, initially I was clueless and felt that I was not contributing enough so I decided to equip myself with knowledge beyond my field to have a better clarity on the subject and to have a confident approach in the next meeting" she looked at Mr.Henry briefly & said "also to be worthy of the opportunity and responsibility given to me, I would rather like to be an active participant than a spectator". The entire crowd clapped in appreciation for Julie. Mr Kingston glanced at Mr Smith, who had a proud smile on his face.



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