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majavanbeek 10hr

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majavanbeek 3hr

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majavanbeek 3hr

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Hey I saw your story

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Hey I saw your story. Are you okay?

I don't know. I rolled my ankle coming off my pointe shoe. I'm lucky that it wasn't a break.

Oh shit!

Yeah could've been a lot worse, but I'm hoping that the sprain is able to heal and rest easily.

Me too. Will you be okay until I get back home? I can come back sooner if you need me to.

Oh no. No need for that. I'll be okay.

Are you sure?

Positive, but thank you for the offer. I know you still have contractually duties even though it is winter break.

I do, but Christian will understand if you need me. He was one of the people who pushed for our contract.

Thank you for the offer, and I really appreciate your concern, but I'll be okay.

Okay. Are you in a brace?

No I have a boot. I see my doctor tomorrow for an MRI.

Must've been a nastier roll than you're letting on if you're getting an MRI so quickly.

They want to check on the tendons and ligaments now, so that we can make a plan for my recovery and getting back on stage. It's really bad timing with Raymonda opening tomorrow. My debut as Raymond's was supposed to be in next Wednesday. I'm hoping it still happens, but I don't know.

I'm so sorry Maj. I know how excited you were for this.

I was so looking forward to it. Raymonda has become the Christmas classic for DNB. It's my first season as a Principal, and this is a role I've understudied for but never performed.

Crossing my fingers for you.

Thanks Max.

Of course.

I miss you.

I miss you too. I'll be back next week.

Perfect! Have fun, and tell Checo and Danny I say hi.

I will! Talk to you soon ❤️


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