The sleeping volcano

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" Veer Ji, Anika asked me to tell you that she left this morning when you went to jog."
" Okay."
" Veer Ji, from Tuesday it's Navratri. My parents asked if we could go for a few days..." Sita said hesitantly.

Veer didn't say anything, so Sita thought about asking again.

" Veer Ji?"
" I'm not deaf! I heard what you said. I need to check my schedule. "

Sita nodded and left. She wasn't hoping that he'd ever say yes. She was so hopeless. She went to her room and started knitting. She was making this muffler for Veer even though she had no courage to give it.

After 2 or 3 hours, Veer came inside after checking his farms out. He remembered that he had left his laptop at his office cabin. So he went to the second floor to check. When he was about to leave with his laptop, he heard a weird noise from Akshay's cabin. It was Sunday, then what was Akshay doing there?

Veer went to check, and when he was right outside the door, he realized what the sound was. It was a woman's moans. Veer's mind was about to burst. He stayed there for a moment.

" You're safe, here.... nobody will ever get to know, I promise you!" Akshay was saying while his breathing was very fast.

Veer's hands turned into fists. His blood was boiling. He immediately thought of killing Akshay right there without thinking twice. But he hadn't his gun in his pocket.
He went upstairs to get his gun from his room.

" That fucker!! He was calling her Bhabhi Ji, then! He is such a bastard!! How could they betray me? All women are the same! Veer Chauhan won't let Akshay live anymore! Nobody touches what's mine!"

He kept mumbling, and when he tried to open the room, he saw it was already opened.

When he entered, he was so surprised. He saw Sita standing in front of his big framed portrait.

" Is this the great Veer Chauhan, whose anger is always on his nose? Hayye, Inna sona munda! Shh, Sita. If he hears you, his gunpoint will be on your forehead. Veer Ji, thoda kam gussa..."

Sita felt the presence of someone, and immediately she turned around. She closed her mouth with both her palms and her eyes were as big as the world.

" I'm sorry, Veer Ji. I'm sorry." She bowed and ran as fast as she could and locked her door.

Veer had nothing to say. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should curse at himself or smile because of Sita's words.

After a while of blushing and laughing and cursing, Veer finally went back to the second floor.

" Akshay!" He shouted his name.

After a moment, Akshay came out from his cabin while his hair was messy. Anyone could easily tell his unholy job.

" Mr. Veer...."
" Where is she?"
" Who? Who, Mr. Veer?"
" The girl you were fucking!"

Akshay's soul shattered.

" Are you gonna call her, or shall I go inside?" Veer was angry.
" Uh... Ann... Anika.....!"

Veer's jaw dropped when he heard the name. Anika came out while her face was so down.

" But... Sita told me you left this morning?"
" I... I  forgot to take my purse, so I came back."
" Since.... since when you both are....."
" Mr. Veer, when she came at Dadi's funeral. "

Veer was speechless. He didn't say anything and left.

" How come that Akshay... I never knew he was such a... fuckboy!"

He went to Sita's room, which was locked. He knocked multiple times, and then Sita opened the door like a scared cat.

" I'm so so sorry, Veer Ji." She pleaded.
" I... I came to tell you that I'm free from Tuesday. So we can go."

Sita took some time to digest the thing. Then her face was delighted. She smiled brightly.

" Are you sure?? "
" I don't like to repeat, Sita Ji."

She nodded and smiled again. Veer left to his room.

" Oh, this stupid heart! It's just because I misunderstood her... nothing else."


" Haye, Ram Ji, Veer Ji is so good!! My heart is.... oh God, do I love him? Do I? Oh, come on, Sita! Which wife doesn't love their husband?"


" Do you think that I don't know your wife is becoming your weak point?" The man in a black hat said.
" Shut the fuck up, Varun!"
" You can't shut me up, Veer. You know that. The great Veer Chauhan is finally getting a weak spot, huh? The Italian mafias, the Russian mafias, will screw you up in this case, my dear cousin!" 

Veer growled. Varun Chauhan is one of his cousins from his dad's side. He works with the Italian mafia gang, and Veer has a big plan to team up with both of the gangs to grow his business in Italy and Russia.

" Veer Chauhan never had any weak spot, and he'll never have! The only thing I care about is my business."

He came back to his villa while the almost sleeping volcano inside him woke up. He went straight to Sita's room and entered inside. Sita was packing her backpack for going to Rishikesh.

" Pack everything you have!" Veer shouted.

Sita flinched and looked at Veer.

" Everything I have? But we are going only for 2 or 3 days..."
" Do what I said! You're not coming back here."
" Veer Ji... why? What did I do?"
" Shut your fucking mouth! Do you remember the rule? I ordered you not to ask me any 'why' questions! Pack your fucking bag and I'll drop you in front of your house tomorrow!"
" Veer Ji... Veer Ji, what did I do? Why are you doing this to me? If I made you angry at any point, you could punish me by not giving me food, or you could even lock me here. But please, Veer Ji, don't do this to me..."

Veer went to Sita and held her throat. Sita didn't even try to protest.

" Aren't you afraid that you'll die?"
" I'm only afraid to leave this Villa. If you wanna kill me, kill me here. But I'll still request you not to take me back there..."

Veer left her throat...

Thank you, I hope I didn't bore you. Please comment and vote for me so that I can get the courage to write more.

See you in the next chapter...

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