Strange things

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   I saw him...with a bright red eyes..lips which was dripping blood .... Two sharp fangs.... And muscular hand holding the dead cat...and the other hand... Holding a not fully formed baby (foetus) and it looked down at me... I saw myself naked.. with a mild dripping breast and and hole on my stomach part .... Where is my stomach? Where is my baby? "Shall we go home now kitten?".....

Sweat dripped down my forehead as I woke up panting.... I hold my stomach and rushed to the toilet.... I took another pregnancy test while it was processing the result,I drank a whole bottle of water and I was still panting.... Oh god what kind of dream was that I hope my baby is okay.... I take a look at the test and it showed....positive thank god

I took a cold shower and realized I was late for work I rushed to work without even having breakfast... Thank God I managed to get in time


There weren't too many customers I sat down for awhile and ate a bun. I flinched when I heard my phone ringtone I picked it up to see it was Jake... "Hello" "Heyy are you free this evening" he asked and I look at the time it was 6pm 1 hour before my shift end "yes I am why" I asked him "uhh I have a surprise for you and I'm going to Malaysia tomorrow" I shocked and asked "why any emergency?" He laughed a bit and sir "did u forgot I was a flight attendant and" ouuh that was embarrassing "ouh ya " I chuckled ... A customer came in "okay I gotta go now bye" "okay bye see you later love you" and blushed a bit "ya love you too"

My shift finally ended I made my way towards my apartment I quickly took a hot bath and get dressed. I started to do my makeup but heard my doorbell rang. I thought it was Jake I rushed to the door and looked through the hole but I saw no one... Strange

I went back to the room and started my makeup and the doorbell started to rang again I went to the door and opened it bravely... I saw a note down there

I'm waiting for you honey..♥️

Will it be Jake? I called Jake and he didn't pick it up I tried again and he still didn't pick up. I felt a bit scared but I ignored it and continued with my makeup

My phone rang it was Jake "Hey I'm sorry I was driving I'm on my way will be there in 15 minutes and I have an exciting news for you" then who rang my doorbell and left the note I was in a deep thought "hey are you there? Is everything alright?" He asked "ya it is im waiting " I let that doorbell thing slide "ok babe I'm on my way"

After 20 minutes Jake arrived and we went to the restaurant. He already booked a table and while we were waiting for the food to arrive he started the talk "so.. how are you and the baby" "we're great and what was the thing u wanted to tell me" he smiled at me

"I will tell you but you can't reject or decline it alright" I smiled and agreed... He took out a form and gave it to me.. I took it and was shocked "the airport need someone to work at the ticket counter and it gives a better salary than the shop you're working in so I talked to the manager and he asked me to give you this form and asked u to sign it up if you're interested and I thought it would be better for us and the baby for you to work in the airport... You don't have to stand for a long time no pressure we can meet everyday.. so what do you say"

Yes I was shocked "but the airport is a little far from my house" he chuckled "don't worry about that the airport provides transportation to the workers" I smiled at him "thank you Jake"

I took the form and kept it in my bag .. he said that I can bring it back home and sign it if I'm interested and email the picture of the form to him and he will do the rest ...

Th food arrived and it was delicious. "Are you going for checkups for the baby?" "No I didn't think about it at all " "why don't we go this Sunday I will be back from Malaysia this Saturday and we could go this Sunday since it's a free day for you too" I agreed to him.. we finished eating and was waiting for the bill to arrive..

"Get can I ask you something but promise me you won't think it in a bad way" "what is it " I asked him ... He hesitated and told me "since there is a baby growing in you stomach um I think we should um okay let me ask you something what do plan to do with me?" I smiled and told him" I want to sell your kidney" he laughed a bit

" Will you marry me one day " he asked causing my heart to drop. Looking at my reaction he told me " hey hey I know it's so soon but I don't want a relationship where we hang out for a long time and doesn't marry and continue with our lives since your pregnant I thought maybe we could get married before the baby born and I thought I could sign the birth certificate as a..... Father"

"Are you serious?" I asked him "yes I don't have anyone for me my parents died when I was 18 years old so I have only you and this baby so I want to keep you guys with me forever" the bill arrived and I took it

'okay if you agree with me give me the bill hand to hand or if you disagree just put it on the table " he was looking at me with a hopeful eyes and he looked genuine

I gave him the bill hand to hand and he looked really happy "yesssss" he said in joy and I laughed soon we paid the bill and get out of there and went to my apartment.... "Soo what do u want from Malaysia... A shirt? A bag? A keychain ..... Or A r-ring?"

I smiled "I want you to be back safely" he came closer to me and kissed my forehead,my chin,my cheek and kissed me slowly while he rubbed my belly. I gave him full entrance and he explored my mouth while he was caressing my belly...

After a few moment he prepared to leave. Just before ehe exit the door he looked at me and my belly and said  "I hope it's a girl"

With that he left...I smiled and rubbed my belly "are you really gonna be a girl?" I smiled and went towards the bathroom to take a shower ..... After the shower I came to the room and was shocked to see the dress that I wore was in pieces

What the fuck how did this happened I went near it and took it in my hands and I was terrified at that moment... Who could have done it??

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