chapter 27

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I sigh looking at the couch seeing it empty again which means just like yesterday today also he didn't come home

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I sigh looking at the couch seeing it empty again which means just like yesterday today also he didn't come home. Last night while waiting for him don't know when I slept.

"Because she is not doing any job"

He said in authoritative tone glaring at her

"Vidharth!! Stop this nonsense--"

Babasa was interrupt by him who bang his hand harshly on tha table and get up

"My. Wife. Is. Not. Doing. Any. Job. I said what I said."

Then he turn around glaring at me like a hungry lion making me speechless. I wanted to oppose him, wanted stand for myself but no words were coming out of my mouth seeing his anger and stubbornness.

"Dare you step out of this mansion, Mythili because no one is worst then me"

He told clearly infront of everyone glaring at me with a stern and authority.

After that he moves out of the mansion and didn't come till next day evening then too he avoided everyone and directly went towards the study room and didn't even come out for dinner.

I was so scared and nervous to even enter inside the study room but then I requested adheer and send dinner also ask him to check if he (Vidharth) is fine or need something, how is his mood and all

But that brat just arrogantly said 'I went there put the dinner and come out without even looking at bhaisa.'

And I get that he is still very angry, just pray that he have his dinner. I went towards our room because baba already make me have my dinner and layer down to sleep.

From the past two days he is behaving like this. Avoiding everyone rarely comes homes or when he comes he looks so furious that no one dare to even roam around him. Baba strictly told me to join the job again...

Durga maa!! What should I do? If I join the college then my devil husband will kill me and if I not then baba sa will...

Why?? Why I'm stuck here between both father and son. Both are egoistic, furious, rude, arrogant and what not

No point of saying anything to them.

But here again my Mr. Jii is wrong. What is his problem Excatly? It's my life I can take decisions of my life and mostly I'm an independent women of my country. So a big fat no to you stubbornness,
Mr. Jii

And about him getting angry then I have three three solutions : baba, dada sa and kaka sa

I said and shrugged went towards the bathroom.

Let's go downstairs Mythili. Everyone must be waiting for breakfast it's already 7:30 am, run fast otherwise karthik will kill you by his emotional drama.

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