3rd morning/4th victim: Pipp Petals

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The rooster crowed in the morning when the sun is rising. Sparky rubbed his eyes, stretched, and yawned, and he wanted to make sure that he didn't make a mess.

"Oh, well." He shrugged.

Sparky woke up Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, and Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer by shaking them gently. They rubbed their eyes, stretched, and yawned.

"(Yawns) Good morning, Sunny." Said Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky.

"(Yawns) Good morning, Izzy. Good morning, Sheriff Hitch. Good morning, Sparky." Said Baby Sunny Starscout.

They hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." Said Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky.

The Mane 3 opened the door.

"(Singing) Good morning, my little ponies." Pipp Petals sang.

"Good morning, girls." Said Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky.

"Thanks for giving Sparky a diaper yesterday, Zipp. I'm glad that he shouldn't make a mess." Thanked Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"You're welcome, Hitch. I bought it at the store." Said Zipp Storm.

"(Singing) Cute." Pipp Petals sang, as she pulled out her phone and took a picture of her friends as babies. "This is gonna be (singing) great!" Said Pipp Petals.

"Ready to play a game of Hide and Seek?" Asked Zipp Storm.

"Yeah!" Said Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni.

The Mane 3 carried Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni downstairs to the living room.

"You ready?" Asked Misty Brightdawn.

"Yep." Said Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni.

"Ok, here we go." Said Zipp Storm as she covered her face.

While she's counting, Baby Sunny Starscout hid in the kitchen, Baby Izzy Moonbow hid in the bathroom, and Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky hid in the closet.

"Ok, ready or not, here we come." Said Pipp as she looks for them.

"Ok, let's split up. I'll go upstairs. Pipp, you search this section. Misty, you go check in the basement." Zipp Storm planned as they split up in 3 groups.

Zipp Storm checked in the bathroom and she found Baby Izzy Moonbow hiding behind the shower curtain.

Pipp Petals checked in the kitchen and she found Baby Sunny Starscout hiding in the pantry.

Misty Brightdawn checked in the basement and she found Sparky Sparkeroni and Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer in the closet which is the same closet during "MLP: MYM: Chapter 2: Have You Seen this Dragon?" where Misty Brightdawn hid Sparky Sparkeroni in order to try to give him to Opaline Arcana.

The Mane 3 got them back in the living room and they won.

"Well done, girls. You found us!" Said Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, and Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

Sparky nodded happily and he gave Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer a high five.

Pipp Petals is sweating from all her hard work due to playing Hide and Seek.

"Phew! I'll be back, Pippsqueaks! Pipp's gonna get a refreshment. Stay tuned!" Pipp Petals said on her phone as she send the video to the Pippsqueaks around Equestria and then she turned it off (but she accidentally pressed the record button).

"So, Pipp, you feeling thirsty?" Asked Zipp Storm.

"Yeah, sis." Said Pipp Petals. She drank water (the fountain of youth) much to Misty's horror and shock.

"(Gasps) Pipp!!! NO!!!!" Misty Brightdawn screamed.

But it was too late. She finished her drink, and then she burped.

"Wow, Pipp! That was a quick refreshment you had." Said Zipp Storm.

"Thanks, Zipp." Said Pipp Petals.

"Pipp, you were only supposed to drink a teaspoon!" Misty Brightdawn cried.

Suddenly, Pipp Petals started to get a stomach ache because her stomach is growling. She's starting to feel sick.

"Uh, sis? Are you all right?" Asked Zipp Storm.

She didn't answer. And she starts to get younger too.

"Uh-oh." Zipp Storm and Misty Brightdawn said with worry.

(Skip at 0:54 and stop at 1:04)

Her body is shrinking, her phone fell out of her hoof (which is on video), her golden tiara headdress fell out of her head. Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn saw it before their very eyes, but much to Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni's excitement and delight when they're smiling happily.

 Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn saw it before their very eyes, but much to Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni's excitement and delight when they're smiling happily

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She's turned into a baby, too.

"(Gasps) Oh, my goodness! Pipp, are you okay?" Asked Misty Brightdawn in shock, as she picked her up.

She starts cooing and saw her sister, and Misty Brightdawn.

"(High-pitched voice) I think so. Sis? Misty? How did you two get so big?" Asked Baby Pipp Petals. She covered her mouth and realized her voice was high-pitched.

"Yay!!!!! Pipp's a baby, now!" Cheered Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni.

Baby Pipp Petals flew down to her phone and tried to lift it but it's too heavy for her so she decided to take a break and wipe her forehead.

"Whew! My phone's heavier than I thought." Said Baby Pipp Petals.

"Yeah, it sure is." Zipp Storm said with worry.

Baby Pipp Petals flew upstairs and into the bathroom and saw herself and she didn't cry but she realized her mistake.

"Whoops." Said Baby Pipp Petals.

MLP MYM Chapter 7 Episode 2 Mane 6's fountain of youth discovery Part 1Where stories live. Discover now