47. Aftermath

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Rivaan was blank as he heard everything and so teju and Karan, they were still overwhelmed with everything that happened around. 

Rivaan " I want to be alone for sometime " he whispered holding his mother hand alone letting her to stay beside him and everyone nodded at each other.  Madangi held teju who was looking visibly exhausted, she took her to her chamber while Karan walked towards abhiraj to see him.

At teju chamber,

Teju placed her head on madangi lap who ruffled her hairs. 

Teju " I m feeling very bad for all three of them maasa "

Madangi sighed " Sakhi was never in Rivaan destiny bahuranisa.. His stars revealed that he will be married to a princess of royal family and sakhi will be married to a soldier and not the prince of kingdom.  It was written before, rajaguru have already told the king and queen about this. They didn't discuss with anyone knowing Rivaan will be broken. It's destiny play "

Teju " Why destiny have to be this cruel, y can't the hearts which crave for each other be together " she looked at her with those innocent eyes, like a kid questioning her mother.

Madangi " If everything happens according to our wish, then y there is universe and y there is God, this kingdom is cursed that whoever take the throne will  lose their love of life and be with someone whom they are destined and it happened with rivaan also... All we can do now is, give him the space and time to heal "

Teju " It's not about rivaan bhaisa alone , sakhi di and Abhiraj bhaisa is also affected, they don't even know each other well and both love someone else.. What a game of fate is this..  Ab kya hoga.. "

Madangi " Abhi and sakhi are married and there is no turning back now. They were destined to be each other, or else abhiraj ring won't be in her fingers and his sindoor won't be in her hairline. She is wearing the bridal wear which was designed by his mother for her daughter in law., everything seem to be a coincidence at that time, but now it make me realize that she was always Abhi's bride, we all were blind to see the real one infront of us "

Teju was quiet, she could understand everything but her heart still feels sad for the trio, she feels they don't deserve this messed up life.

Madangi " this is not the end but also new a beginning for the trio, we have to understand this and support them.  We need to give them space and let them face this reality and accept the fact"

Teju nodded and madangi kissed her forehead "The only good news among this chaos is the little one growing inside you. Take care of yourself and the baby, sab theek hojayega "

Teju smiled and madangi patted her head and she slept in few minutes.


Abhiraj chamber, 

Karan entered inside the awfully quiet chamber of abhiraj, who was laying on the bed. He walked to him and his eyes brimmed with tears seeing number of cuts and injuries on his body which have been dressed. 

He ruffled his hairs and looked at his chest which was covered with white sterile cloth filled with herbs. He met the medic on the way who said Abhiraj is weak and he need proper rest. He had been cut on numerous places and all are deep, his leg is already injured and he have strained them more in the feet. It will take him months to be back to normal.

Karan  " I am sorry, I failed to protect you, I failed to protect you mithr "

Abhi opened his eyes " Karan " he whispered and Karan immediately looked at him.

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