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(QUOTE) I had failed him
I gave him wings
And he flew off'

Dedicated to mmumble_scr33ms



     The day had been horrible, I wallowed in pain all throughout the entire day. I stayed on the couch for a while until it became uncomfortable and I had to go back in bed. I had some pain killers but they did absolutely nothing to me, if anything I felt as if those pills worsened my state.

     I only ate in the morning and ever since then nothing the maids did went down my throat.

  I took my spare time thinking about Matt. Andrew and I already had a plan.

The first stage of my plan only involved Andrew.

   The situation between Matt and I have gotten out of control. Just like married couples we forgot the most vital aspect about a healthy relationship, which was communication. I was so focused in my hatred towards Max that I unknownly pushed away Matt's feelings.

  This was all my fault, if I had tried harder in making Matt see what everyone saw in Max, we wouldn't had been in this situation, but alas I decided to respect his choice in men and relationship. Now look at what my so called respect for his life choices brought us, problems; fucking problems.

      I knew Max was controlling but up to this extend no! I'm so disappointed at my self. I'm Matt's best friend for crying out loud! I was to protect him from people like Max but no, I failed him, failed myself and our friendship.

   I love him or at least that's what I think, because I don't know how I kept claiming to love someone when I couldn't see the pain hidden in his eyes and actions. He was never there for me when I needed him and I thought it was because he's in love! Right?

How would I had known he was hurting inside? He always smiled, made jokes, dressed up, nothing seemed out of normality; well that's what I thought then.

I should had realized something wasn't right when we no longer spent time out of college together, or how he changed his apartment's keys without giving me a second copy, knowing clearly how he always lost his keys. I should had fucking noticed the change when he would always make up and excuse just for me not to visit his apartment, or the countless time's he came waiting for me after my shifts at work? He was always limping or had bruises on his arms or bloodied fists! But no, Ms. Fernandez didn't question him because he said I should mind my business.

I'm so stupid I.....

I can't believe and I just don't want to believe anything of what Andrew told me, but it's hard not to, the signs had always been there but I ignored them. Matt only had me as a crying shoulder, he only had me as a pillar or even family to count on but I just as everyone else in this world failed him.

Yes I did, I failed him. Him whom I had claimed to love with so much pride. I gave him wings and he flew off. I thought he'd fly up to the sky where the sun shined brighter and air was clearer, where no evil could ever harm him, but I was wrong, for when I lost sight of him, he lost direction. He flew right into darkness, that darkness which hid in the depths of the earth, where not even the sun's light dared protruding.

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