Part Five

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"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are." - Anais Nin

It took time for me to formulate a response.

"Yeahhh, I have a strict 'no deals with the devil' policy."

"I had a feeling you'd say something like that."

If I'm being completely honest, the deal sounded tempting. I desperately needed a way to impress some colleges and I was about at the end of the road. He had everything I needed. But the deal breaker was pretending to be his girlfriend. The one thing I ached to be for as long as I can remember. It's a bad idea. I think. The thought of dancing around at rich events and golfing with the elites sounded a little thrilling but I have inner morals.

West must've read my face because he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Look I know this may be asking too much, but I promise you can make the rules and it will all be on your terms." He held up his hands in defeat. "Fair terms I might add."

I rolled it over in thought. Logically, this could actually be a win-win for me. I mean who said I couldn't make this a living hell for him? Since he didn't take the opportunity to have me when he had me, I'm going to make him wish he did. Karma is finally here to repay. I get what I want, and I also get what I want. I couldn't help but laugh inside.

"Take some time to think it over--"

"I'll do it." I blurted. His eyes were wide as saucers.

"Really? I didn't think you'd take it."

I shrugged and closed the book, laying it across my folded legs. I met his stare.

"I don't know, I think it'd be worth it. Maybe even fun." Fun to watch you suffer.

He looked at me carefully as if I was about to strike him.

"Then great, I guess we can discuss the plans and negotiations tomorrow, maybe over coffee if you're not busy."

"That's fine. But why do you need a 'pretend girlfriend'?"

West huffed and rubbed his eyes. "Mom thinks ever since we moved to New York, I never have fun anymore. I'm cooped up all the time studying and never going out with other kids. She thinks I'm antisocial and doesn't want me to end up alone like Uncle Beau,"

So that's what they were talking about.

"She's been setting me up with all of her friends daughters or nieces and I need a break. So maybe if she knew I was dating someone without her help, she'd lay off a little."

I imagined him and all the girls he could've been paired up with. Models, actors, singers, heirs. He could've had any of his choosing. So...

"Why me though? I just think it's odd how you ask me, but not any other girl at our school."

He leaned forward a bit and eyed me down suspiciously. "Don't feel special. I know you hate me. So I'm not exactly worried about feelings after our deal is done. Girls at school would probably tell the whole world I broke their hearts even if they knew we were never a thing." At least he's honest.

"Sounds like a solid story."

"Though there is one non-negotiable thing. For this to look believable, we have to be a 'couple' at all times out in the public eye. There are eyes everywhere, including my Uncle. If anything seems fishy--"

"We'll be busted. I got it." I gathered myself and stood up. I stuck out a hand for him to shake.


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