「Chapter 19」

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Elias noticed Freya and Elena eyeing each other curiously across the room. 

"Ah yes, introductions! Elena meet Freya - an extremely powerful witch soon to be part of the rather tangled family tree. And Freya, this is my twin sister, Elena."

He faltered, realizing with the myriad of crossover soulmate bonds they'd end up sibling in-laws multiple times over at this rate. 

Shaking his head, he chuckled "Actually, let's not overanalyze relations right now..."

Glancing back up though, he caught them still staring transfixed. An intense unspoken conversation seeming to flow between them.

When his amused throat clearing went ignored, Elias just raised his hands helplessly. "I'll just...give you two a moment then clearly. So much for that introduction."


Elias blinked at Diego in puzzlement. "Sorry, can you repeat that? Davina wants me to meet up with her...how?"

Diego let out an exaggerated breath. "For an all-powerful witch, your listening skills need work. Davina requested to SEE you again. Marcel sanctioned a little outing."

"Wait...Marcel agreed to that?" Elias clarified in surprise.

"Yeah, believe it or not, he wants you two hanging out for some reason," Diego grumbled.

Elias fought back a pleased grin, trying and failing to seem casual. "Huh. Is that so. How very generous of him..."

"Don't let it go to your head too much, bud," Diego warned half-heartedly. "Still haven't forgiven you for throwing me under the bus before, so don't push it."

Holding up placating hands, Elias rose to follow him out. "Yes yes, sorry about that. I'll make it up to you somehow..." 

Diego just scoffed disbelievingly and continued ushering him along to reunite with an eagerly waiting Davina.


"Are you sure Marcel will be okay with this?" Davina asked again, fidgeting nervously as they approached the Bayou.

Elias waved off her worry. "Forget Marcel. Last I checked you're the super powerful witch here - so if you want to spend a day with your soulmate instead of in that dusty attic, you absolutely should."

Davina relaxed slightly at the validation but still bit her lip anxiously. "Hopefully Diego doesn't rat on us sneaking out for a few hours..."

"It's our little secret," Elias promised as the wolf encampment came into view. "Too late now anyway!"

They were quickly greeted by Eve with a knowing smirk. "Well, hello again you two! Jackson will be thrilled to..."

Holding up a hand, Davina cut right to her priority. "Yes, is Jackson around actually?"

Eve and Elias both politely hid amused smiles at her urgency. Young, impatient love. "He's just finishing up a meeting. I'll let him know you've arrived," Eve snickered, already heading off.

With Eve gone to fetch Jackson, Elias casually wandered the small werewolf settlement, giving Davina some slice of imagined privacy for her eventual reunion. 

Her delighted shriek as Jackson appeared and swept her up into a fierce hug made him chuckle.

"They waste no time, hmm?" Eve commented knowingly, joining Elias by the central bonfire pit. 

Over his shoulder, Davina was already deep in a happy conversation with her wolf soulmate, both so enthralled they nearly forgot anyone else existed.

Elias agreed fondly as he nodded, "Best not interfere."

𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now