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 Chapter 661: Extremely Happy

  Xie Ning's eyes were as bright as light bulbs, flickering at Kress.

  The latter felt a little scared when she saw her, and leaned back weakly, "What are you doing?"

  "Think about it, I can only inject spiritual power for so long by myself. If you are added to it, With the addition of other psychic powers, can this stone be opened?"

  Kress nodded subconsciously, "It should be possible, but, can we wait, wait, and try again!" It's

  still floating in the air now. Hey, sister!

  Safety first, right?

  "Great, I'm going to talk to Team Leader Yan. When we take a break at noon, we will summon all the spiritual power users to deal with it together."

  Speaking of which, I have been holding this stone in my hand for a long time. There was no progress for a long time, so Captain Xie was lying if he said he wasn't in a hurry.

  After all, this is the ultimate prize of the Krypton Gold Roulette. How could it just be thrown into the garbage heap and eat ashes?

  It's just that this isn't her first time doing research.

  I have played with this stone many times in the past, and every time after injecting mental power, I felt something was wrong. Now that I think about it carefully, it should be that the injection of mental power is not enough.

  With her own strength, it is impossible to refill the energy well all the time. She is constantly consuming mental energy while recharging herself.

  Who knows where the bottom line of this stone is?

  If there would be any other impact if she took time away, Xie Ning was still quite cautious and not willing to take the wrong approach.

  After all, she didn't have any idea until now.

  I don't even know how much spiritual power it takes to open this magical stone?

  Now that there are so many spiritual power users coming, Xie Ning feels that it should be possible to gather everyone's strength.

  She privately believed that this possibility was relatively high.

  So he turned around, jumped off the platform, and ran to discuss with Team Leader Yan.

  She didn't go into too much detail, she just said that she was willing to provide two special-effect versions of the energy-boosting potions, and asked all those with mental powers to do her a small favor during their free time at noon.

  I hope that after taking the supplementary potion, everyone can focus all their mental abilities on her.

  Xie Ning's excuse was also very perfunctory, saying that she wanted to practice new mental moves.

  She hopes that Team Leader Yan will help her ask other people with psychic abilities if they are willing to help her.

  If possible, she is also willing to pay everyone a thousand contribution points.

  The helping time is about one hour, and it takes up everyone's lunch break.

  Team leader Yan agreed wholeheartedly.

  In fact, he thinks this is quite good.

  If he was a person with mental powers, he would definitely agree, but the others didn't know what they were thinking. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Team Leader Yan sent someone to ask every person with mental powers.

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