Chapter 12 | Invitations

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I arrived back into my dorm with Cody not far behind.

"You're starting to open up. Lyd' has really done wonders for you. Just don't get into another fight like that," Cody croaked.

I sighed, "I would do anything to protect her, it was my first thought. Dumb, I know."

Cody placed his hand on top of my head and shook up my hair in a brotherly empathetic way.

"and don't call her fuckin 'Lyd'," I smiled.

I unzipped my bag from the weekend to be met with the worst smelling clothes I've ever seen. Cody responded with a fake cough. I took the clothes down to the laundry room, and when I arrived back to my room, Cody was gone.

I looked out of our giant window to see Cody leaving. I shot him a text asking for a reason. He sent me a voice message in return, "Party tonight. Big surprise."

The fuck does that mean? At the hockey house?

Just then I got a message from Lydia:

Lydia: When can you take me for a walk in your school forest?

Andy: Thursday at the earliest. May I ask why?

Lydia: Botany major, I want your dirt ;)

Finally, some me and her time.

Andy: Ofc, I'll see you at 4?

Lydia sent a thumbs up in response.

Then I came up with a plan, maybe I could ask for a relationship on our nature walk. We've become so close in recent weeks. I think we are ready.

I cleared my head by working on some homework while listening to music. I slicked back my hair with the headphone band to keep my hair from sliding onto my face.

After a few hours, I decided to push Cody about the 'party'.

Andy: What's with the party?

Cody: Celebration for annihilating Lakeview. All the guys are invited and no one else. Just a boys night. You're welcome to invite Lyd.

Andy: :|

Cody: Well?

Andy: Maybe, what time?

Cody: 10pm

I checked the clock to notice it was 4pm. That's more than enough time to invite Lydia and maybe even bump our nature walk up a day.

I decided to shoot her a text.

Andy: My schedule cleared up, and the boys are hosting a party. How about I come pick you up and we can go through the school forest tonight?

Lydia: That sounds amazing! Am I invited to the party??

Andy: Yes, if you're interested.

Lydia: Of course! What am I supposed to wear? How fancy?

Andy: It's just a little get together. Whatever you want ;)

After a few more messages, I hopped in my car and headed over to Lydia's science driven campus. I then quickly called Cody to let him know that Lydia would be attending.

An hour later I arrived and texted Lydia I had arrived. She came out of the dorm building beautiful as ever.

Her hair was down, and wore an open button up with a t shirt underneath. Her jacket covered up the short sleeves.

She saw my car and came running. I got out and met her with a hug and kiss on top of the head. I opened the door for her and we were soon on our way back to my campus.

"Is driving an hour here too much for you? I can pick up an Uber later if you want," Lydia suggested.

My heart jumped to my throat, "Of course I don't mind, I care about you, and I wouldn't want some sweaty Uber taking you home. It makes me sleep better at night knowing I took you home."

Shit that slipped out. I didn't need to over analyze taking her home. We aren't even dating yet.

Or at least, we aren't dating yet.


Hello! I just got back from a massive band trip across the country! Now that that's over, *hopefully* I'll be able to write more! Thanks for reading, prepare for the nature walk next chapter.

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