010- Jazz bar

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"Jazz, huh?" I said, lowering into the seat Nicklaus held out to me, and he hummed. Our table was suited at the centre of the second line up, with two seats to it.

Thanks to the hours we spent together earlier, the awkwardness between us was long gone, and the text from Carl no longer bothered me. I was feeling much better and happier, I had friends to hang out with, friends to talk to, and friends to... To kiss whenever you're drunk. My inner voice chipped in and I mentally rolled my eyes.

Kissing Nicklaus was a mistake that would never happen again.

I glanced up at him, and he was glancing around the place like he was in search of something. The place was filled with just a few people occupying not more than four tables. It was obvious we were early but I didn't mind at all.

My gaze fell on his lips, and the fact that I kissed them invaded my mind. I bit down my lower lip and mentally shook the thoughts off. Nicklaus was my friend now, and constantly thinking about how I drunk kissed my friend was a weird thing to do. But before I could take my eyes off him, he glanced down at me, and a half smile dawned on his face.

"You stay here, I will be back, okay?" He said and I nodded at him.

My gaze followed behind him as he walked away, and headed to the bar. I sighed, shifting my gaze away from him, and to the stage filled with musical instruments which were placed perfectly at each spot. The blue and red light adorned the space giving me the feels. I was so excited about being here, and even though I had been to a jazz bar just once, I remembered that I quite enjoyed it.

Minutes passed and I was busy with my phone, scrolling through Instagram when I heard people walk in through the door, chatting quietly and the next thing I felt was Nicklaus hovering behind me. He dropped a glass of cocktail in front of me, and then, rounded the table and dropped another flat-bottom glass in front of him, before sitting across from me.

He placed one hand on the table, and the other on his thighs. "The performance is in Ten, and we're taking only one glass to avoid another accidental drunk ki-"

I gasped, "Nicklaus, please." I whined, and he smiled, faint lines forming at the corner of his eyes. What a beautiful man. "You don't have to remind me every time," I rolled my eyes, amusingly. "Or do you want to get even?" I asked. Light sparked in his eyes, and mine widened. "Nicklaus!" I spat.


His knee brushed against my bare one under the table as he stared at me intently, and I breathed deeply. Why was he staring seriously with a straight face? Nicklaus wasn't breaking eye contact, and I wondered if he really wanted to get even. Did he want to kiss me again? We continued staring, and I could feel something hot gradually growing in the air. Left with nothing coming to my mind to say, I struggled to hold his gaze but suddenly, he broke out chuckling.

"I hate you," I said, smiling.

"You sure?" He reached for his cocktail and took a sip from it.

I mirrored him, "What's this?" I asked, holding my drink to my mouth.

"Sex on the beach."

Sex? I hadn't had one in a long time.

Nicklaus took another sip from his drink before placing the glass on the table, and when his eyes met mine, it had turned a few shades darker than before.

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