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The whole night I thought of Archer, I wondered what my first order was going to be. I got ready for work and headed out the door. I was stopped by a note left on my doorstep. "You threw away my chocolate?" Was all that it said. I am bewildered by who could be leaving these notes on my door. I walked to my car to see a brick had been thrown through my window. I was shocked. I did not hear anything throughout the night.

I decided to call a cab because I did not want to drive with a broken window, it was far too cold for that. I arrived at the hospital and hurried inside my boss' office, but he was not there. I wondered if he took off for the family business that was so personal.

I went to my office to see my favorite murderer sitting in his usual seat waiting for our sessions to begin. He was waiting very patiently, and he could tell that something was definitely on my mind. My face said it all. I was deep in thought and he couldn't wait to find out what caused that expression. He was going to push me, to be honest and tell him what was on my mind.

"You got that look on your face where you are thinking of something but can't decide if you should say it or not. What is it?"

I sat in my seat and stared at him for a moment, I was curious. "You said you were going to give an order soon? What is it?" I asked.

My reaction caught him off guard. I was quicker to ask him about the order than he thought. Just how eager I seemed to get an order from him just showed him how much he had me wrapped around his finger. I was ready.A smile spreads across his face as he waits a moment more before finally giving me the order."I need... I order you to be my nurse. The only nurse that ever treats me. It's time for me to test the limits of your loyalty."

I was stunned, I'm not sure how I could manage to pull this off, but I wanted to show my loyalty. My boss was gone for the day so I couldn't put in the request today, so I will put in the request tomorrow.  "Okay, I will become your nurse. I will also still be your shrink."

This was the perfect opportunity for him to push me further. My eagerness to show my loyalty is making it easy for him to manipulate me. I was so quick to agree to be his nurse that he couldn't help but try to push it even more."Good, but I would like you to make me your only patient as well. I don't want someone else getting the attention that you could be giving me."

I nod my head, "Understood." 

I didn't care how vulnerable I was making myself to his tactics, I genuinely felt like he loved me and maybe I was dumb for that. But I was okay with it, I felt happy.

My quick response to that statement also made him feel very satisfied. I didn't argue at all or hesitate. This was going as flawless as possible."Good. And just one more thing..."


He can't help but smile, seeing my eagerness. He needed to see how far he could take this. I was doing everything that he had asked so far with no hesitation and no arguments which was very pleasing to him."I'm sure that by now you understand how attached I am getting to you. Would you be willing to do anything for me? Even if it means abandoning your career?

I was shocked, I had busted my ass for this career and he wants me to throw it away? I know he said no questions ask but I just couldn't help myself. "May I ask why? Like how would me abandoning my career benefit you?"

He chuckled and it felt like he enjoyed my response. I had the guts to ask questions even after he said no questions asked. My attitude really was getting him hooked."I need you all to myself. I think I have earned that right by now. How can you truly be loyal to me if your other patients get in the way of the time that we spend together? How can you truly be loyal if you aren't completely devoted to me?"

"I will cut off all my patients as we agreed. However, my career gives me access to be your nurse and be your shrink so I can see you every day. Are you asking me to abandon my career in the future IF you are ever let out of this place?"

He was very impressed with how I was thinking ahead. I was looking at the long-term picture which was very convenient for him."That is exactly what I want. You are right that you need this career right now so that you can have access to me on a daily basis, and I need that. But once I am released from here then I want you to quit your career and abandon it all just for me."

I paused for a moment. "But, what if you don't ever get out?"

My concern made him feel so powerful in such a strange way. I was worried as if what he was asking wasn't a given of course. He had so much faith in me and it was making me feel very special."Don't ever think that way. I will get out of here eventually. It's not a matter of IF, I will get out of here. The day that happens I would like that you quit your career and abandon everything to be with me, like I said. Is that clear?"


My continued responses are putting him in a very good mood. I was so obedient and submissive to him. It was making all his desires come to life. My loyalty is truly unmatched. I was getting lost in his eyes, wondering what the future would hold for us when my phone rang. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello. The is detective Gardner with the police department. Would you mind coming down to the police station?"

My heart dropped. "May I ask what this is about?"

"Ma'am, someone broke into your house."

"Of course, I am leaving work now." I gathered my things and gave a brief overview of what had just happened and ran out the door. I called a cab and they picked me up and drove me to the police station. I ran into the station and they had me sit in the Chief's office. He walked into his office and sat down with a warm smile.

"Hello, how are you?"

"I'm worried, what happened to my house?"

"I have one question for you before we continue. This man was caught breaking into your house. Do you know this man?" He sits down a picture on the table and slides it over to me. 

I picked it up and my eyes widened. "That's my boss."

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