Chapter 43 - Jin's Story

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"I think we have enough now" says Lily as she picks one last mushroom and places it in her basket. Her and Jin are in the woods foraging for mushrooms. Just like Uncle Bob, Jin is quite the expert on mushrooms. He's been teaching Lily about all the medicinal properties of various mushrooms as well as the nutritional value.

"You're so accomplished Jin, being a qualified nurse, amazing cook, natural healer and you make such beautiful flower arrangements. It's like you're a renaissance man. Your future mate is one lucky lady she-wolf".

Jin freezes and drops his basket at the mention of his future mate, scattering his mushrooms. He kneels down quickly to pick up the fallen mushrooms, Lily notices his hands are shaking. Lily kneels down to help Jin and takes his much larger hands in her small ones.

"Jin are you alright?" she decides to use his own words on him "you don't have to tell me what is wrong. But just so you know, I'm a good listener. And anything said between us, stays between us" she assures him.

"Can we go sit by the lake? There is something I want to tell you" says Jin as he leads Lily towards the lake front. They come to the same rock formation that Atlas's wolf likes to frequent so he can do his evening howling. Sitting down on the rock ledge, they stare across lake and watch as the sun rises further in the sky.

"You asked me the other day, how I came to live in this country. I want to tell you my story" Jin says as he takes a deep breath. Lily can tell this is hard for him, and she gives his hand a squeeze of encouragement.

"Firstly, I want you to know I've already met my mates, and they rejected me".

Lily gasps "Mates? As in more than one? And they rejected you?" Lily hadn't heard of having more than one mate, and she couldn't fathom why anyone would reject such an amazing person as Jin.

"Yes, I had two mates Tae and Mina. Tae, was the son of our Alpha and heir to my birth pack back in Korea. Mina was a girl from a neighbouring pack. It turned out we were a triad, and that both Tae and I were bisexual. We were both attracted to each other and Mina. Does it shock you that I'm bisexual?".

"Oh, I didn't even think about your sexuality or that you might have been rejected. I'm surprised, but I don't think I'm shocked. In fact, it kind of makes sense to me now. I'm sorry if I said anything to offend you earlier" Lily says, thinking about how she had mentioned his future mate. Now she understands his reaction.

"No, it's fine. I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a while, I just never had the courage. I'm always hesitant to mention my sexuality to people, as I haven't had the best reaction in the past. My birth pack in Korea had very strict beliefs, and being gay in any sort of way, was not accepted. When Tae and I first realised we were mates, he was devastated. After all he was our next Alpha, he was expected to have children, how could I give him an heir? It wasn't for another year until we met Mina, that we realised we were meant to be triad".

"Well, that would have been the perfect situation for the three of you. You could be free to love each other and also have an heir with Mina. You must have been so happy when you met Mina?" Lily asks

"I was briefly happy, I thought the same as you, that Mina was the answer to our dilemma. But then Tae couldn't bring himself to openly admit he was bisexual. He rejected me and swore me to secrecy and then publicly claimed Mina. His father, the Alpha was overjoyed and immediately stepped down, announcing Tae and Mina as the new Alpha and Luna of our pack" Jin's hands begin shaking as he continues "I was so heart broken, that I went to my parents and confessed everything. My mother tried to console me, but my father was just cold with fury. He walked out of our house and refused to speak to me. The next morning, he handed me a plane ticket and $1000 cash, he had made arrangements with my uncle in America. In three weeks' time, I was to leave Korea, and never come back".

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