Chapter 36: Madeline

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Word count: 1759

"HOW WAS IT?" She was greeted by her other soul mates a few hours later

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"HOW WAS IT?" She was greeted by her other soul mates a few hours later.

The three maknae's had large, happy grins on their faces. She glanced back at them, expecting one of them to answer.

"It was good, hyung," Jungkook answered Jin's question. "We got to hang out with her brothers. They're really nice."

"I doubt you'll be saying that when Lemar begins hounding you to play against him. He doesn't like losing." Madeline warned Jungkook, who had shown his skills effortlessly. The look of shock on her younger brother's face was hilarious.

Jungkook rolled his shoulders back, "I'd happily play with him. He's a good opponent."

Jin leaned against the wall, watching their interactions with amusement and love. She sidled past the maknaes and greeted Jin with a soft, cheerful smile. Spending the day with her soul mates had put her in a good mood. She felt like she was on cloud nine, soaring higher and higher by the second.

"Hey there," He murmured, lowering his voice so that she was the only one that could hear. The maknaes were busy talking to each other about their gameplay, oblivious to Jin and Madeline. "Did you have fun?"

She nodded her head, "I did. I'm glad they got to spend time with my family."

"I hope I get to meet them officially one day too," Jin commented.

She lifted her hand to touch his shoulder. There was only an item of clothing between their skin—one thin piece of fabric stopping them from bonding. "You will. I was hoping you could all come over soon for a meal."

Jin beamed, "I'd love that. As long as I can cook something."

Madeline chuckled, "Oh, my family will adore your cooking."

They were in their own little bubble, just like they were in the kitchen before Yoongi stepped out of the lounge. His eyes settled on Madeline instantly. Madeline felt like Yoongi and Hoseok were the two soul mates she had spent the least amount of time with. It wasn't because she didn't want to—just that she hadn't had the opportunity to.

Jin leaned down to Madeline's ear. His breath tickled her skin, causing goosebumps to form over her body. "I'm going to drag the maknaes to the kitchen. Have fun with Yoongi. He's been dying to spend time with you."

Madeline glanced at her soul mate—who kept glancing at her. Before she met her soul mates, Madeline always thought Yoongi seemed intimidating. But, even before she had met him, she felt like there was a softer side to him. Yoongi struggled to express his emotions—he didn't like to share things with people.

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