Chapter 33

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Chapter name- A good news

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Chapter name- A good news

The next day, at the RR farmhouse, everyone was sitting on the breakfast table. Shagun looked at Manorama. " Maa, actually I have some work in Shimla. So can I go?" asked Shagun. Manorama looked at her. " Okay but so far and alone? " asked Manorama. Varun looked at Manorama. " Aunty, don't worry. I am also going to Shimla for a meeting. I will take care of her. " said Varun. Manorama looked at him. " Okay. If you are there then it's fine. " said Manorama.

Kriti bent near Shagun's ear. " Shagun, don't be scared. Just propose him." said Kriti in a low voice. Shagun looked at Kriti and smiled. " Don't worry. I will just do like Bhai proposed you." said Shagun in a low voice. Kriti made a face. Shagun laughed. After breakfast, Shagun and Varun left from there. Everyone expect Anaya was in the kitchen making something. When she suddenly felt tired. " Why am I feeling tired for so many days. " said Anaya.

Anaya pulled a chair and sat down. When Kriti came there. " Anaya, what happened?" asked Kriti. Anaya looked at her. " Nothing Kriti, I am just tired." said Anaya. Kriti looked at the fry pan. " Are you making halwa?" asked Kriti with a smile. Anaya looked at her. " Yes Kriti, but I am very." replied Anaya. Suddenly she felt like vomitting. Anaya got up. Kriti looked at her.

" What happened?" asked Kriti. Anaya ran upstairs. Kriti came out. " I should tell Bhaiya." said Kriti. Kriti came to the gate. She looked at Rudra. " Bhaiya." said Kriti. Everyone looked at her. " What happened?" asked Rudra, " Anaya isn't well." said Kriti. Rudra got up. " Anaya." said Rudra and ran inside. Dadi looked at Sanjay. " Sanjay, call Dr Jiya and tell her to come here." said Dadi.

Sanjay looked at her. " Okay." said Sanjay. Sanjay picked his phone and called the doctor. Rudra came to his room and saw Anaya lying unconsious on the bed. Rudra got worried. " Anaya, Anaya. " said Rudra while tapping on Anaya's cheeks. When everyone came there with Dr Jiya. Jiya looked at Rudra. " Mr Rajvansh, please walk out. I have to check Mrs Rajvansh. " said Jiya.

Everyone came out of the room. Jiya came to Anaya and sat down on the bed. She picked Anaya's hand and checked it. Jiya got a smile on her face. Jiya got up and came to the gate. She opened the door. Everyone looked at her. Rudra came to her. " Jiay, is everything fine?" asked Rudra. Jiya smiled. " I will tell you Mr Rajvansh but first you order some sweets for me." said Jiya. Rudra crossed his arms.

" Jiya, I will give you a whole shop of sweets. But tell me what happened to Anaya? " asked Rudra. Jiya smiled and looked at Rudra. " Congratulations Mr Rajvansh. Now your responsibilities towards Anaya are going to grow more. " said Jiya. Dadi and Sandhya looked at each other and smiled. Doctor Jiya came to Dadi and said something. Dadi smiled. " Really?" asked Dadi while looking at Jiya. Jiya shook her head.

Dadi then looked at Sandhya and told her the same thing that Jiya told to her. Sandhya smiled. Then she said something to Sanjay and Sanjay told to Shobha. Rudra looked at them in confusion. " Can you all please tell me what is happening? " asked Rudra. Dadi looked at Sandhya. " Should I tell him?" asked Dadi, " Yeah sure." replied Sandhya. Dadi came to Rudra and stood on her toes and came near Rudra's ear.

" You are going to be a father." shouted Dadi in Rudra's ear. Rudra was shocked. Everyone smiled. Anaya came out of the room. Rudra looked at her and came to Anaya. " Wha..What happened?" asked Anaya. Rudra hugged Anaya. " Anaya, you are pregnant. We are going to be parents. " said Rudra. Anaya smiled. " Really?" asked Anaya.

Sandhya came to her. " Anaya, you fulfilled our wish for having a grandchild." said Sandhya. Anaya also hugged her. " Thanks Maa." said Anaya. Rudra looked at Anaya. " I will make sure that the Rajvansh palace is rebuilt within 9 months. My daughter will come to that house only." said Rudra. Kartik looked at Rudra. " Daughter?" asked Kartik. Rudra looked at him. " Yes, I will have a daughter for sure." replied Rudra.

Everyone laughed. Rudra picked Anaya in his arms. " From now, I am always at your service." said Rudra. Anaya smiled. Rudra came inside the room with Anaya. Rudra closed the door of the room. Rudra kept Anaya on the bed and sat down with her. Anaya looked down. Rudra kept his hand on Anaya's chin and moved her head up. Anaya looked at Rudra. " Are you blushing right now?" asked Rudra.

Anaya looked at Rudra. " Rudra, I never thought that I would be pregant." said Anaya. Rudra smiled. " I knew that you would be pregant one day or the other." said Rudra. Rudra looked at Anaya's lips and slowly moved towards her lips. Slowly their kiss turned into a passiotnate one. Anaya's hands were moving on Rudra's hair and Rudra's hands were moving on Anaya's back. Suddenly Kartik came inside.

" Anaya. " said Kartik. Anaya and Rudra got disturbed. Rudra looked at Kartik in anger. " Kartik. " said Rudra, " Sorry I didn't know that you both were busy in something so. " said Kartik. Anaya looked at Kartik. " Bhaiya, do you have some work?" asked Anaya. Kartik looked at Anaya. " No, I was jsut thinking that do you want anything then tell me." said Kartik.

Rudra looked at him. " Kartik, she is my wife. I will take care of her." said Rudra. Kartik crossed his arms. He looked at Rudra. " Rudra, she is my sister." said Kartik. Rudra smiled. " And she is my wife." said Rudra. Anaya got up. " You both first fight and then come down. I am going to have the food. I am very hungry." said Anaya and went out of the room.

In Vikram's house, Vikram was roaming in anger. He looked at Kuku Bhatia. " I had such a good plan to kill Anaya and Rudra but you came in the middle and now she is pregnant. If that child is born then." said Vikram. Kuku Bhatia looked at Vikram. " Vikram for the next 8 months you are grounded." said Kuku Bhatia. Vikram looked at him.

" But why?" asked Vikram. Kuku Bhatia came to him. " Vikki because I want to kill that child in front of Anaya and Rudra because then they will feel the plan that I felt when you went in jail amd got beaten by Rudra." said Kuku Bhatia. Vikram looked at him and smiled. " Don't worry, Papa." said Vikram. Kuku Bhatia told Vikram to shut up.

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