Chapter 44

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"So what do we do?" said Anne. She was sitting on a leather couch in the room Ryan and Lily had used for practice.

Lily glanced at where Ryan stood against the far wall. His expression was hard to read. It seemed certain that he had no intention to answer. Lily doubted if he'd even heard it.

"I guess that's what we figure out today," said Lily. She felt.. different today. More confident than she had been over the past few months, and glad that no one had been hurt in the duel, and yet... She felt somehow elevated to some unspoken position that she somehow didn't feel suited for.

"Do you think they'll accept?" said Anne, referring to the proposition they offered the governing officials.

"I don't think they have much choice in the matter."

They didn't really. Their only other option would be to propose a war between shifters and Lycans and it wasn't worth the destruction. How many shifters would be willing to fight for that? Particularly after so many have lived in poor conditions under the existing government. How many shifters would care to join a war against Lycans when more Lycans would be born directly from shifter communities? 

"So assume they do accept?" said Anne. "Then..? Then would that mean..."

"We'll have to work out some system for governing and transitioning to the new era," said Lily.

"You will," said Ryan. "You won fair and square."

"It wasn't fair," said Lily. "You were poisoned with Racontool."

"Same difference though," said Ryan.

"I don't think so," said Lily. "Even the prophecy said the 'Lycans rule.' Not Lily rules."

"The prophecy only came true because the government officials believed it was true and acted in accordance with it," said Anne.

"I suppose so," said Lily. "But it doesn't change anything now. I don't know anything about leading a civilization. Whatever their response to the proposition I say we agree that we move forward together in equal measure. You, Christy, Anne, and myself."

Ryan was quiet for a long while. "Okay then. I never liked the idea of a monarchy anyway."

"Not me," said Anne. " I can't. I'm not Lycan."

"So?" said Lily. "This wouldn't have been possible without your help."

"What about Sophie then?" said Anne.

"We'll have to ask her to join in too," said Lily

"What about when new Lycans come?" said Ryan.

"I don't see why we wouldn't want to work with them too," said Lily.

"Sounds like a plan," said Anne. "And the existing packs?"

"I think the best option would be to work with them for the transition," said Ryan. "In time we can visit the packs and work to adjust some of the existing issues. I think we can all agree that the ranking system is not effective and needs to be outlawed."

"I want to have checks done also to help avoid any abusive situations," said Lily.

"Seems like a reasonable plan to start with," said Anne. "I can contact my brother. As an Alpha, he might be able to start making some adjustments and report back to us about how things go and if he suggests any other amendments to start with."

"That'd be great," said Lily. "We'll have to review this again when Christy gets back. I think we'd better be selective about which packs we contact first. I think some Alphas will be more open to this transition than others."

It wasn't long before Christy returned with good news. "They accepted!"

"They signed?" said Ryan. "They didn't realize the mind control was fake?"

"No," said Christy. "It was incredible, I could see it working. the majority of the magic works because of a placebo effect anyway. They've agreed to lift the curse from those they'd been taking advantage of."

"I wonder if it's enough," said Ryan.

"For now, I think we shouldn't worry about it too much and instead focus on what we need to establish. If a war is to come, we should contact and create alliances with the existing packs."

"They'll be open to change," said Christy. "The system has been corrupted for decades."

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"Did you bring them?" Lily said, opening her dorm door after Anne knocked.

"A bouncy ball and toy car?" said Anne. "Powerful political tools no doubt."

Lily laughed. "Something like that." She tucked the toys into her packed suitcase and proceeded to zip it up.

"Are you ready for this?" said Anne.

"I hope so," said Lily. "I guess if we run into trouble I can turn into a rabbit and try to run away or something."

Anne laughed. "You know better than anyone that you can't run away from life."

"I'll miss you, Anne," said Lily. She felt it in her heart. It was strange to think that she'd be leaving in an hour. Returning to her childhood pack. To her fellow orphans who were family to her. And yet she was such a different person now. Would they accept her as they did before?

She felt nervous somehow about meeting with her Alpha. Many in the pack hadn't been kind to her, but he was. Would he be open to the ideas she needed to discuss?

She had to try. And if he wasn't? Then.. maybe she could find another way to bring her family safety and freedom...

"You'll do great," said Anne, as if reading her mind.

"And if it doesn't work out?"

"Turn into an eagle and crap on his desk," said Anne, as if this was a very plausible alternative option.

Lily laughed. "Very diplomatic. Good to have a fallback plan at least."


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