Azana's Pov

Well after yesterday's crying session I realized that I was being dramatic!!
Why would I cry over a man that doesn't even want me?

I got dressed and headed to school
I skipped breakfast this morning my roommate wasn't there to stop me and besides I need to shed a few well who am I kidding a lot of pounds...

Yesterday I looked into the bathroom mirror and felt even sadder of course he would never want you...
Not when you look like this!

The day goes by pretty quickly and soon it's 6pm
Those silly people I call my musketeers are coming over to make me go to a club

They said I need to get laid!!
I do not!!
My rose does quite the job thank you very much!!!

Yes I have a rose
A woman has her needs come on now
I never said I was innocent after all...

I hear a knock on the door...
Fucking mint they're here..

"Mi amor we're here to save you from your misery!!"..Dina says..

"You're so fucking dramatic I'm not miserable!!"
I respond..

"I love you Bellissima but Dina is right you are miserable"
Carlos says as he bear hugs me..

"Now come on lets get you dressed and laid by the end of the night.."

"And thats on what?"
"Periodt" Carlos says

"Never say that again" says Dina clutching her stomach laughing

"Aight nawl not too hard on my baby boy" I say chuckling


"You love me anyways"Dina sticks her tongue out..

"That i do" sighs Carlos...

I was getting ready while they were bickering...

I wore a sheer black velvet dress that was long with a high thigh slit
I'm self consciously tall so I wore a pair of roped sandals instead of heels...

Well then time to get laid I guess..
Here we go..

*skip to the club*

This place is incredibly vibrant and bright...
It's not really my type of space but hey I'm here..

Dina whispers to the bouncer and we're let into vip
"Miss Dina how?!"

She winks at me "i have my ways.."

We walk into the section and order drinks I order a strawberry daiquiri..
We're starting off sweet and simple..

Dina and Carlos are dancing on the lower floor and as I'm laughing at them..
I spot someone out the corner of my eye that strangely looks like Xander...
It can't be Xander,He wouldn't be here he can't be...

As I turn to get a better look he's already gone.
Maybe the liquor is getting to my head
I order my second drink for the night as my favorite song comes on...

Twerkulator by city girls

I ask Dina to hold my drink and I climb on a random table and start throwing it back...
Now I definitely know it's liquor..

Someone grabs me off the table and damn he's strong
I start to grind on him instead..

"Il mi amor you're inebriated please don't tempt me.."

Wait a second I know that voice...
I turn around and lo and behold it's Xander!!
Please no!!
He did not just see me throwing it back..


"Tesoro mia lets go you're drunk.."
He says grabbing my waist

I may be drunk but that made me moist down there...

"O-okay but my friends??"
I slur beginning to sober up...

"I've already let your friends know that you're coming with me now come on baby.."

Did he just?!
No zana you're drunk...

He carries me bridal style to the car

"Put me down i can walk i know i'm extremely heavy" I say trying to get down.

He simply grabs onto me harder and says "I'm a strong man baby i can handle you believe me.."

Well it's looking like I have an appointment with the rose tonight..

"I'm so fucking wet...
You're so sexy.."
I say thinking to myself..

"Baby don't say things like that right now..." he groans
"I want nothing more than to have you ride my face and scream my name.."


"Shh baby i know get some sleep"
He says placing me in the car...

I fall asleep instantly...

To be continued...

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