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Two peacekeepers sit me down on a plush chair in a room of the Justice building. My eyes lift up to a wide window, capturing the glinting sun bouncing off the salty waves of the bay perfectly. I feel my eyes fill as I come to realise that this will be the last time I get to see the ocean.

"I can't do this-" I whisper to myself, raking my hands through my hair as a tear rolls down my cheek. And I believe every word of it.

I can't do this. I couldn't do this.

No, I won't.

My eyes drift over to the clock as I calculate the time I have left. I had exactly 30 minutes to make a decision. I could find a way to kill myself.

How would I do it though? Jump off a roof? Slit my throat with a knife? Unfortunately, this room provides little options for self harm, unless I plan to strangle myself with a pillow. Suicide is a shameful way to go in District 4, but my knees feel weak when I consider the alternative. And, some idiot has posted a peacekeeper by the door, probably making sure I don't do the very thing I was thinking of doing.

I leap up and start pacing. How unbelievably selfish it would be to kill myself. My dead body would be the first thing my poor little brother sees when he walks through that door.

Almost on cue, the doorknob rattles open as the peace keepers unlock it, and my family rushes in. I choke down a sob and launch at them with my arms extended. Mum had given up trying to be brave, and I could feel her chest flutter as she wept. Julian has his hands wrapped around my waist so hard it hurts, and Dad's arms encircle all of us in a big hug. I promised myself I wouldn't cry. That was a stupid decision. Eventually, I decide to hold my breath, and that seems to help a little. I couldn't cry now. Not when my face was about to be shown on every Tv screen in Panem.

I draw in a deep breath, relishing the hug while it lasts, realising that half an hour will never be long enough. Mum and Dad lower down to meet my eyes. Julian keeps his arms wrapped tight around my waist, dreading the moment that he might have to let go. I think my feet are starting to go numb, but I didn't mind. I'm dreading the moment that he might have to let go.

"You could win this, Zuri." Dad says in a shaky voice I haven't heard before. "Find a spear and somewhere to hide. If you can't outfight them, you can outlast them. Keep your allies close-"

"But your enemies closer." I finish quietly. As true as that saying is, the only thing I feel like doing at the moment is hiding away from everyone, friends or not. Dad nods, sealing his words and reels us all back in, tighter than before.
"We'll meet you at the train station," Mum whispers shakily. "You can say goodbye to us all then."

"They won't let me. They'll make me leave as soon as I get there." I say in a tight voice.

"Oh, they'll let you." Mum says firmly, placing her hands on Julian's shoulders. "C'mon, honey," she says to him softly. "We'll get to see her again at the train station, but only if we leave now.."

Everyone gets up, and Julian finally lets go of me. I stand there, feeling stunned at them being ripped away from me so easily.

"I love you, honey." Mum nods before the door closes, a lone tear rolling down her cheek.

"I love you too-" I choke out in reply at the closed door.


I wish I had prepared myself for the whirlwind of emotions that bombarded me as Tess came flying through the door, hiking her lacy dress up to her knees. She was so excited when she first bought it, and now she was running in it at full speed like it was no more that her day-to-day clothes. She launches at me, very nearly shoving me onto the floor. I can't help but laugh as I stumble, despite the tears welling up in my eyes.

𓆭𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟔𝟖𝐓𝐇 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒𓆭Where stories live. Discover now