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Eunji and Sowon excitedly enters the Ringo restaurant with a wide smile present in their faces. Jisu, who is walking behind them, is just chickling while watching her two friends happily enters the restaurant.

They are somewhat akin to kids going to the amusement park or receiving a candy from their parents.

"Where table should we go~ " Eunji sang all the while swaying her hand while eyes busy roaming inside.

"Oh shoot. " She muttered then faced her two friends. "You two find our table, I'll just go to the comfort room. " She said before parting from her friends and made her way towards the restroom.

After using the restroom, Eunji washed her face to freshen up before going out of the room.

She abruptly stopped when she spotted a familiar group of boys just next to the plant in the corner. Her eyes widened, just realizing something.

Remembers something.

Right! They always eat there lunch here!

Now, Eunji didn't know what to do. Should she leave? Or stay?

But her friends, they probably ordered something given by the time she took in the restroom....

She inhaled deeply, hands forming to a fist as she walked through the room. Thankfully, she immediately spotted her friends, happily conversing with each other.

She sat on the available chair across the two which she immediately regretted upon seeing him. Upon having a perfect view of him.

Jake Sim.

Oh God!

It's been days already since she last talk to the man. She refrained herself from ranting or just interacting with him in general, in hopes to not intensifies her developing feelings towards him.

Just like what she thought, Sowon and Jisu have already ordered there food. After sometime, it was finally served.

While eating the stake in her plate, Eunji couldn't resist the urge to glance at him. She immediately chokes when the said man coincidentally did the same causing their eyes to meet.

She immediately avert her gaze as she drink her water.

What the hell?

Glancing to his direction again after a few minutes, the man is thankfully not looking at him. She's glad so that she can freely look at him.

Wait what?

Before Eunji could fully process what she was thinking, Jake's eyes landed to hers once again causing their eyes to meet for the second time around.

Eunji instinctively looked away and joined the conversation Jisu and Sowon have, ignoring the rapid beat of her heart.

Ignoring the funny feeling inside her stomach.

"By the way, are you going home to Busan later? " Jisu asked after swallowing the meat she was chewing.

Eunji nodded. "Yep, I didn't go home last weekend so I'll should go later. "

Jisu nodded. "I see. "

"I wish my home is also far from here. I wanna have a trip every weekend. " Sowon buts in.

"It's hustle, Sowon. I'm telling you. " Eunji replied, shaking her head.

Her eyes, moving on its own as it instinctively landed to a certain direction.

Eunji caught her breath upon seeing him, the great Jake Sim, with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek, looking at her with serious gaze.

She swallowed her food, not breaking the eye contact even though she's close to passing out from the overwhelming feelings circulating in her system.

Chill, Eunji. Just chill. He probably didn't know you are ej.

Yes, he doesn't know.

She thought, trying to persuade herself.

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