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In a hidden cottage deep within a mystical forest, the witch's lair awaits. The air is thick with an enchanting mist, and the only light comes from flickering candles that cast eerie shadows on the walls.

The  shelves lined with ancient spellbooks, filled with arcane knowledge. Crystals of all shapes and sizes glisten on the corner.

In one corner, there's a bubbling cauldron, emitting wisps of colorful smoke and the aroma of exotic herbs. The witch's collection of magical ingredients, like dried dragon scales and unicorn horns, are neatly organized nearby.

A wooden table stands in the center of the room, covered in intricate symbols and sigils. On it, you'll find vials of shimmering potions, spell scrolls, and a crystal ball that glows with an otherworldly energy.

The witch gazes into her crystal ball, her eyes filled with anticipation. As the mist clears, she sees the handsome Alpha, a powerful and charismatic figure, commanding attention wherever he goes.

The witch watches intently as the crystal ball reveals glimpses of his adventures, his noble heart, and his unwavering determination. She sees him facing challenges with bravery, leading others with wisdom, and his presence captivating everyone around him.

Taetae, with his adorable bambi eyes filled with tears, sat in front of the witch, sniffling softly. The witch's heart softened as she saw his vulnerability.

"Is this your hubby?" she asked, drooling over the Alpha unable to contain her excitement.

With a pout and wobbling lips, Taetae replied, "Yesh, he's that meanie." It seemed like he was on the verge of tears again.

"Hmm, so what do you want me to do? How can I help you?"

"I want a potion which made him head over heels for me, like a love-sick puppy, obeying my every order and only having eyes for me not to see any other woman as my mother in law wants to marry him to another woman, I want him wrapped around my fingers," he added, showing his smol fingers in a display of frustration.

Stunned by the request, the witch asked, "Oh my, are you sure?"

With a sassy flair, Omega replied, "Hn hn, Taetae is a hundred percent sure. Just do what I said, and I'll give you as much money as you want," fanning dollar bills in front of his face.

The witch's greed got the better of her, and she agreed to help. "Okay, I'm ready. Just wait until tomorrow morning, and I will-"

He placed his hands on his hips and glared at her with puppy eyes. "What? No... Do you have any idea how I came here sneakily? It's dangerous."

Trying to reassure him, the witch said, "Don't worry, I will deliver it... You know my powers," winking playfully.

Overjoyed, Omega giggled like a child. "Yaayy, thank you, Aunty!"

"AUNTYYYY??" the witch yelled in shock.

Omega flinched a little, then proudly explained, "Yes, Mama told me to respect elders."

In a fit of anger, the witch retorted, "If I'm Aunty, then you are Uncle!"

But Omega looked at her coldly, silently taking her broom and hitting her hard on the head. She glared at him, massaging her head in frustration.

"How dare you call me uncle?" Taetae's voice turned icy cold, sending shivers down her spine.

But then, out of nowhere...

"AAAAAAAAAAhhhhA!" He let out a loud cry, faking tears like a little child. She was left stunned, witnessing his sudden change in demeanor.

"Hey, kid, I'm sorry," she apologized, patting his head.

MR Taetae♡ |Taekookff|Where stories live. Discover now