Chapter 15

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I wake up and try to get out of bed, but I get pulled back. "Stay" I hear Dante mumble. "Dante, I want to go train I didn't really get to yesterday" I tell him and he lets me get out of bed.

"I'm coming with you. Go change and meet me in the kitchen" he tells me, I nod and go to my room to get dressed. I don't plan on doing anything other than target practice so I put on a dress.

 I don't plan on doing anything other than target practice so I put on a dress

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(Athena's dress)

I quickly put on boots and run down to the kitchen.

I quickly put on boots and run down to the kitchen

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(Athena's boots)

I see Dante filling up 2 water bottles. I sneak up behind him. "Boo!" I yell, making him jump a bit. "Athena don't do that! You scared me!" He raises his voice, hugging me. "I'm sorry" I say and grab one of the bottles. "You didn't even change you just put on a shirt" I tell him.

"So?" He says as we start walking to the training room. "You told me that I had to change" I say as we arrive outside the training room. He pulls me into him quickly and looks down at me. "I told you to change because we are going into a room full of men and what you were wearing showed to much" he whispers.

"Oh.. I'm sorry I didn't know" I say, blushing. "Don't say sorry. I liked it, but I don't want my men seeing you in that" he says, making me blush more. I nod and we go into the training room.

I immediately walk towards the side room that has all the guns in it but someone stands in front of me. "Can you move?" I ask, trying to be nice. "Little girls don't belong in here sweetheart" the guy says looking down at me. "What's the issue now" Dante groans behind me.

I turn around to face him. "This guy just said LiTle GirLs DOn't BeLoNg iN HeRE SwEeTHeaRt and he refuses to move" I tell Dante mocking the guys voice when I tell Dante what he said. "Are you mocking me little girl?!" The guy raises his voice.

"Yes I am. Do you have a problem?" I say turning back to the guy. "Yeah I do have a problem! Don't fucking mock me!" He says, looking very angry. "Awww but you can't do anything about it" I say in a condescending tone. He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

"Oh no I'm so scared!" I say, still in a condescending tone. I pull out a gun that I had strapped to my thigh. "You think I'm stupid?" I say, pointing the gun between his eyes. "Put your gun on the floor or your fucking dead" I say. He slowly puts his gun on the floor and puts his hands up.

"Dante, please take her gun before she kills me" the guy says, fear in his voice. "I don't think I will, Alessandro. You decided to treat her like she's a child so she decided to prove that she isn't" Dante says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Alessandro looked at Dante's arms with a shocked look on his face. "So she's a whore" Alessandro says. I move the gun and shoot his leg. "I am not a fucking whore!" I yell as Alessandro falls to the floor.

"Dante are you seriously not going to do anything" Alessandro yells. "Actually I am" Dante says. Dante calls over some of his men and talks to them. A minute later Alessandro is being taken away.

"Where are you taking him" I ask Dante. "It doesn't matter. All that matter is he will never be able to insult you again" he tells me. I nod and walk into the room with all the guns.

I grab a random one and walk over to the targets.

1 hour later

I finish training and go look for Dante. I find him with Anastasia. I start walking up to them till I see Anastasia kiss him. I start walking faster and push her away from him.

"Qu'est-ce que tu penses faire, bordel?! Embrasser mon putain d'homme devant moi?!" I yell and hear Aphrodite gasp behind me.
(Translation: What the fuck do you think your doing?! Kissing my man in front of me?!)

"Tu viens de l'appeler ton homme?! Êtes-vous enfin en couple?!" Aphrodite says in French, shocked. "je te le dirai plus tard" I say. I pull out my gun again and point it at Anastasia.
(First translation: Did you just call him your man?! Are you finally dating?!)
(Second translation: I'll tell you later)

"I am not in the fucking mood today bitch!" I yell at her, fear in her eyes. "Dante... control your whore please" she says and I shoot her in the arm making her scream in pain. "I am not the fucking whore here honey" I say and Dante takes my gun from me.

"That's enough shooting people for today Athena" he says, making me frown. "I only shot 2 people today though" I say. "Dante! Can you help me!? She just shot me!" Anastasia yells. Dante hands my gun to Aphrodite and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Why should I help the bitch that called la mia ragazza a whore?" He asks, kissing the top of my head. "Because you love me! Your just pretending to love that whore so Aphrodite doesn't kill you!" She yells at him, confusing me.
(Translation: my girlfriend)

"What do you mean?" I ask her making her smirk. "Dante is only being nice to you because he is scared of Aphrodite. He knows that Aphrodite would kill him if he hurt you" she says thinking she won.

"That's not even close to true honey. He's the fucking leader of the Italian mafia and I've seen him yell at Aphrodite with no hesitation. He isn't scared of anyone" I say. "Actually I am scared of 1 person.." he says, embarrassed. "I might be just a little bit scared of you.." he says hiding his face in my neck, making me laugh.

"I'm harmless. Wait no I take that back I just realised I shot 2 people today" I say. "Can someone fucking help me before I die?!" Anastasia yells. "God shut the fuck up your not gonna die" Dante says, taking his face out of my neck.

"Antonio, please take Anastasia out of my house" Dante says, picking me up. "Why do I have to do it" Antonio groans. Dante doesn't respond and just carries me to his office.

I hope I am forgive for not writing any chapters for a while

This chapter is for Liyan1620 as they said they wanted a new chapter.

Hope everyone likes it and I promise another chapter soon!!

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