Chapter 11

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A week went by and Jennie still refused to contact Lisa. Alone in their big house, she was prossesing the events that have happened the past few months. Having no one to talk to about it, made it even more difficult. She considered talking to Jisoo but she was well aware that it was dangerous to let even her closest friend know about her brother being alive.

To add to her ragged state it was as if her body was physically reacting to being separated from her mate for so long. She felt weak and had no appetite to eat. Every time she struggled to get down even a few bites of toast, her stomach churned. As if that wasn't enough according to her calendar soon she was expecting her next heat.

Friday night and Jennie was close to having a panic attack. Not only she could barely get off the bed but she also lost consciousness twice while trying to shower. Even though Lisa had guards around the house, she had no choice but to call Jisoo.

"Well well well look who remembered she had a best friend. The only excuse I'll accept is that you and Lisa have been mating like rabbits in spring." Jisoo said sarcastically as soon as she answered Jennie's call.

"Jisoo can you come over please?" Jennie's voice sounded like a wounded animal.

"Jen what's the matter?" Jisoo's playful mood quickly changed into worry.

"I'm not feeling very well."

"Ok I'm on my way!"

"I need you to pick up something for me too. I'll text you." Jennie ended the call and texted Jisso before barely making her way back to the bed to lay down.

Lisa that same day had this uneasiness settling in her stomach. Once she had finished evening meetings at work she drove straight to the house at the exact same time Jisoo arrived. Spirits only knew how she managed to control herself and stayed in the car. She was fidgeting trying to figure out what was going on and if her mate was ok. Her grip on the steering wheel was so tight her knuckles had turned white as she breathed like a raging bull. Lisa lost track of time as her eyes were glued on the front door. The second Jisoo exited she got off the car and with long quick steps walked in. She found her mate in the living room, who with trembling hands was about to call someone on her phone. Something felt off.

"Jen?" Lisa grabbed Jennie's arms startling her.

"Lisa I told you not to come here!" Jennie said rather angry but still weak.

"I'm worried Jen something feels different! Even your scent is different. What's going on? Was somebody else here other than Jisoo?" Lisa asked panicking.

"No Lisa no one was here!" Jennie said pushing Lisa's hands off of her.

"Show me your scar Jen." The Alpha ordered tugging on Jennie's jacket.


"Jen please tell me! Did someone threatened you? Did Jisoo said something? Did-"



"What took you so long to come?" Jennie asked Jisoo as the Beta entered the front door.

"Have you got any idea how difficult it is to get a pregnancy test without anyone getting suspicious! I had to drive out of town Jennie, what the fuck is going on?"

"I'll explain everything, I just need to take this test first."

Jennie was so nervous she could barely pee. Two minutes later the two lines on the pregnancy stick brought the omega to her knees on the cold marble floor. This drastic change of events was too much too handle.

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