Ch 13, The Move and Planning

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We make the move quickly. By the following week, I move all the already packed boxes from No. 11 to our new home. The upstairs Master bedroom is the one I take, and the room connecting to it is the one I turn into a nursery/room for Hadrian, I need to start calling him that in my head too...

When I had connected with the Hufflepuff estate, I could feel that there are house elves here. As it could be very easier to have help with looking after Hadrian while I setup the nursery, or for instance I go out somewhere and I need a babysitter, I call them when I am in the living room.

"Hufflepuff house elves!"

Three distinct pops are heard, which makes Hadrian jump a little, where he is by the beanbags. The two from the right look the oldest ones, with their battered pillowcases as clothes, (that are frankly too dirty for even touching). And the last one is in no good shape either. I ask them to introduce themselves.

So, there are total of four elves, (one of them is in training which they kindly inform me). The main elf is Tabby, I assign her as my personal elf. Her husband/mate is Rayl, that I assign for outside work or estate management. Then there are their two kids; Rose and Snip. As Snip is the one in training, I assign Rose to especially look after Hadrian only, and tell Snip to just be in training to do small tasks and to not mess up.

"These will be your assigned duties. There are a few rules of mine that you all would need to follow strictly." I look each of them in the eye so that they know I'm serious. "One- You all are to wear a proper uniform that Rayl will buy shortly, with the Hufflepuff insignia on it. I am not freeing you; it is just so that you can maintain the Family's image. Understood?" I don't continue until they all nod.

"Two- You are to not to punish yourselves. If you do something you think I would disapprove of or that I won't like it, you come to me and we'll decide the punishment together. I will not hurt you, and you are not to hurt yourselves... or each other. Understood?" They all nod to that too.

"And Last; if I don't give permission, no one is to have entry in this estate. The ones allowed at the moment are Gornuk the goblin, me and Hadrian. No one else is allowed until I give permission. Do you all understand?"

The all nod again, so I tell them to repeat these rules to me. When they all have repeated them, I leave them to do their work. I give Rayl the Emrys bank card and send him off for their uniforms. I see Rose already making her way over to Hadrian. Hadrian looks too confused and fascinated with the elf. There is hardly any difference in height. After seeing that they get along, I tell Tabby to follow me to the nursery. Time to setup the rooms.

-few hours later-

By lunchtime we have setup both the nursery and my room connected to it. Hadrian's nursery is set with blue, cream and dark green as accents. The wall opposite to the bed is left empty for view of the mural I instructed Tabby to make- it had all the Marauder's Animagus forms on it, that move frequently. I love magic!

My room is more on the darker side as I like it. Dark burgundy walls with black accents. Dark grey bedsheets and black-burgundy comforter. Light blocking curtains complete the effects of the room. More like a vampire's lair, but whatever.

With a reminder from Tabby for food, I head downstairs. There is now a dining table across from the kitchen that could sit up to ten people. They must have got it from the storage at the Castle. Hadrian is sat to the head chair's right on a high-chair, eating the food specifically prepared for him by – I'm assuming – Rose. I sit at my place at the head of the table and my set of food appears.

As I dig in, I think of what to do, now that I have secured a safe place to lay low from both sides of the war, for the time being. I remember the main events that happened in the movies... so remembering that, the things to do would be, priority wise, ;


Sirius' release

Resurrection of fourth year


My lacking magical education

And basically, getting close to Hogwarts

Now, I can find the Horcruxes, as I know where they are. could be risky to just get them, as I distinctly remember the curse Dumbledore got by touching the ring. Yeaah...not gonna risk that. Sirius' release would not be possible until Hadrian's cleansing in three years, so that's out for now. Resurrection can be avoided if I get the Horcruxes first... Umbitch IS going to die. That's a fact. Just not yet.

That leaves us with the last two; magic education and Hogwarts. I can think of two possible people who could be good to have as connections- the Malfoy's and Snape.

Now if taking into account the spells on Hadrian, the story of this world could be vastly different. It could go both ways- either both sides (Light and Dark) are bad or it's a complete shift and only Light is bad and Dark is good.

If it's the case for the first then, after releasing Sirius, I'll just leave this fricking country! Although, if it's the latter case, then Voldemort needs to go or turn sane. That could only happen if there is way to combine the split soul of him. But that's something that could only happen in fanfictions... But I'll take my chances.

So, taking into account that the intension of Voldy could go either way; first collect the horcruxes and then decide what to do with them. If the soul can be joined again, there should be something in the libraries of Hufflepuff or Peverell. If not then I'll just kill him. Simple. As. That.

Getting back to thepresent I see that Hadrian has made a huge mess after done eating, and Rose ismagically vanishing it simultaneously. After noticing this, Hadrian just scoopshis fruit mash and drops in on the floor, looks at Rose, waits for it go away,then does it all over again. Seeing the expression of total frustration onRose's face, I just burst out laughing, and when Hadrian notices me, he startslaughing too. Living here is going to be so fun!

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