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                     Cleo's POV


It's late almost night time and I've been dealing with this shit all day!

I was beyond over this stupid ass shit I had going on

Not only has Dom cheated on me and played in my face multiple times but he been calling my house from different numbers begging for another chance ever since I stopped talking to him months ago

I've changed my cell phone number 3 times already and I'm not doing it again because some way and somehow he keeps finding out what my new numbers are

I've gotten not one but two restraining orders against him and each time he completely disregarded them

He's been arrested twice but his family bailed him out both times!

I've even fought his sister three times!

His whole family is full of fucking psychos and I'm so glad I didn't marry his stupid ass

This whole week honestly just felt like everything was crumbling around me

To start the week off I get fired and the rest of the week Ive gotten  harassed by my life's greatest mistake

As soon as my phone rang I picked it up and yelled "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STOP FUCKING CALLING ME!"

"Uh this is my first time calling you like ever...." I heard on the other end

I looked at the caller ID and seen Jayson's name

"My bad, it's been a rough week" I apologized

"That's what I was calling for..nobody's heard from you in a week so I said fuck it and gave it a try" he admitted

"Yeah..I've been Turing my phone  on and off all week"

"Why?" He asked

He seemed genuinely concerned but I didn't really understand why since he barely knew me

I contemplated on telling him anything because after what I've been through I don't trust men at all

"It's Nothing just forget I said anything" I said as I rolled my eyes

"I understand sometimes people wanna vent without getting feedback and I know we're not close or anything but I'm here to listen if that's what you need." He said softly

His voice was oddly soothing and maybe I did need somebody to just listen for once.

"It's a long story" I said as I sat down on my bed

"I've got nothing but time..." he said as the FaceTime request came through

I accepted the call and just stared at him

Did I really wanna tell this man my personal business?

How could a person with everything understand someone who came from nothing?

I know talking about it would help me let it go so I propped my phone up and laid across the bed before starting to unload all of my issues onto him

It took me two hours to break everything down and not once did he interrupt or give his unwanted opinion

"I just don't know what to do with my life anymore.." I finished

"So what's stopping you from the dream career you talked about?" He asked

"My confidence level...the bar is pretty much on the ground" I admitted

"Why do you feel that way?" He asked

"I just feel like I don't have the room to tell anyone else about themselves. Look at the life choices I've made; so who'd wanna take advice from me?" I shrugged

I just watched as he gave me a blank stare

"I can promise you that I'd much rather take advice from someone whose been through the same situations rather than take advice from someone who hasn't been in my shoes." he said as he laid down on his bed and propped his phone up

I just shrugged

"What are you gonna do about the job situation?" He asked

"I don't know. The last time I spoke to Fyn she said that the job was willing to hire me to work the back stage but I just can't let that other shit slide" I shrugged

"I know you said you don't enjoy it but maybe you should go back until you find something else"

"They let me go over one incident when there's people who've done way worse than me who still work there....for my sanity I can't do that" I scoffed

"let me help you" he offered

"Thanks but no thanks, I don't have it in me to be in debt to you" I said as I shook my head

The last man I let help me took advantage of me and threw the shit back in my face

"I'm not asking for anything in return" he said softly

"What do you wanna help me for? I'm not gonna sleep with you" I said as I shot him a look of disgust

"I don't expect you to; I'm not even that kind of guy" he said as he shook his head

That's what they all say

"And what makes you any different from the rest?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you..you just gotta let your guard down a little" he yawned

I looked at the time and it was already 10:30 at night but I remembered that he was in a different time zone so it was 1:30 in the morning for him

"I don't know Jayson..."

"I'm not your last man, I promise I'm not even in that headspace. You seem like a good person and I'd hate to see you crash out behind your pride" he said before yawning again

The look in his eyes said that he was sincere but I could be wrong since I clearly don't know how to read people properly

"I'm just asking you to trust me. Can you do that?" he asked lowly

I just sighed

There wasn't a person on the planet that I trusted anymore..hell I barely trusted myself

It felt like I was always waiting for people disappoint me

His eyes were closed and he seemed to be falling asleep

"One chance and when you fuck up-" I started

"I won't" he cut me off


"You have my word, I put it on my life" he said as he moved the phone closer to him

"Don't make me regret this..please" was all I could say

My eyes felt heavy and before I knew it I had fallen asleep


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